Could you keep going?

still learning said:
The course keep fighting matter what...there maybe "NO" 2nd chances...Aloha
easy to say, but how easy to do? The point of the thread was, how can we train it? How can we test it? How can I be certain that when the time comes, it's going to be death before failure?
Flatlander said:
easy to say, but how easy to do? The point of the thread was, how can we train it? How can we test it? How can I be certain that when the time comes, it's going to be death before failure?

You can't train for is in your mind! Most of us will not experience the (fight or flee) until it happen. Facing real life and death situtions do not happen everyday.

Samurai's except death before going into battle....that is one way to train for it...

You can look at this question as...Do I give up ...or not give up? ...pain and damages are to be expected..except that much more? you can take? .....this is where your "Killer instincts" will determine this.

Most bullies like when you give up easy....your choice....Aloha
Flatlander said:
easy to say, but how easy to do? The point of the thread was, how can we train it? How can we test it? How can I be certain that when the time comes, it's going to be death before failure?

No confrontation will be easy, too many variables to consider. The best we can do is to train as realistically as possible, mind set, scenarios, etc. I'm not saying that this is the end all, but, it's all we have. Keep the focus of your training true self defense. You can test out your training by working as a bouncer. That will get you experience, and get you over the fear of a confrontation. You can't be certain when it comes to it, because nothing is certain. You'll have to have faith in yourself and your training. Plus, your desire for self preservation will aid you in that mindset, when it really goes down, and your attacked.
Hello, Ever watch those real life shows how people survive in a desert,car wreck not found for days,ship wrecks,caught in snow storms,hurricanes and so on....who are hurt..but still fight for their life.

Those who give up..die fast? .....Could you keep going? ....

In a real street fight..something is broken...but the attacker keeps coming...could you keep going? ....choice is give-up and get hurt more..or try to continune save your life..

Most of us would want to keep going....NEVER GIVE UP! ...Aloha
My dad and my fight instructor drilled into me that you don't quit.
I have continued sparring bouts where I have gotten popped pretty good and felt my legs wanting to buckle but did my best not to show it on the outside and continued on.
I have also personally recovered from some pretty traumatic situations that could have ended badly.
I would like to think that i wouldn't quit when it was all on the line in any given situation.
I haven't quit yet! :)
You wouldn't! Self preservation overrules everything else when it comes to it. You'll do whatever is necessary.
Hello, The "Killer Instincts" usually refers to people who willing fight matter what the odds are.

In their minds they are not thinking of getting hurt (they except this part)...they with the "killer instincts" only thinking of what they going do to you....these people will not stop at can break both legs...they will crawl to reach you....most people with "Killer Intincts" not give up easly.

Could we keep on going? course you can...plan for it!

Quit is words for the other person....Aloha
adrenaline can do some weird things.

i've fought through minor breaks during sports. since the adrenaline and will would be even further engaged in a real situation, i imagine i'd be able to do it.

be careful of sucker punches. one reason they're so effective is you don't have the adrenaline and natural painkillers flowing yet. a show-starter that breaks part of you could easily be a show-stopper.

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