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Originally posted by WilliamTLear

I wasn't joking.

Wow. In that case, I commend you for your organizational skills: your "Kenpo receipts" folder must be HUGE! :D

Originally posted by SingingTiger

Wow. In that case, I commend you for your organizational skills: your "Kenpo receipts" folder must be HUGE! :D


I'm a pack-rat... what can I say... Actually it is a box full of reciepts in a cabinet full of gear, books, weapons, and videos.

Billy Lear
Originally posted by brianhunter


Hope you don't mind that I stole this little bit about Jeff. I don't charge for lessons either. However, I don't teach everyone who comes to me for lessons. :lol:

I didn't think you could put a price tag on blood, sweat, and the knowledge that is passed onto you. This is an interesting question though. Actually I'd hate to find out how much money I have spent over the years. 25g's sounds like a good down payment on a house to me.
Jason Farnsworth
Originally posted by jfarnsworth

25g's sounds like a good down payment on a house to me.
Jason Farnsworth

Jason Farnsworth's House of Kenpo Pain .... Hmmmm .... Has a certain flamboyance to it... Particularly for the cost of it!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Dan "I always say ... No pain... No pain ..." Farmer
But the only thing is If everyone seen scrawny 'ole me they would laugh at me. After the incident I had in the weight room a couple of weeks ago my training partner told me I scared the other guy off. I told buddy I don't really think anyone is scared of me. Then we went onto the next weight lifting exercise. :)
Jason Farnsworth
Originally posted by jfarnsworth

But the only thing is If everyone seen scrawny 'ole me they would laugh at me. After the incident I had in the weight room a couple of weeks ago my training partner told me I scared the other guy off. I told buddy I don't really think anyone is scared of me. Then we went onto the next weight lifting exercise. :)
Jason Farnsworth

Ok! I will go for it....What incident in the weight room???:confused:
I recently came over from Ireland where I studied TKD, prior to that I studied Kung-Fu and Jiu-Jitsu in England. For all three, I paid less than $5 per class and mostly for 2 hour classes. All the schools were non-profit and no private tuition was available.

I do know of some schools in England and Ireland that follow the US model, but most tend to be MA schools well ahead of businesses.

Having said that, I do not have a problem paying the higher cost of tuition here, its just the way things are.

I do think some of the prices charged for both group and private classes are way above reasonable, I also think some schools stretch out the training and new material to keep people longer. It often appears that you learn very limited new material unless attending private lessons.

I also pay about $1,000 per six months in SoCal, with the same setup, one private a week + unlimited group. Personally I do a lot of at home practise, especially on forms and techniques, I would expect/hope to make Green after about 1 year training, not sure how much longer (and hence cost) for 1st Dan, maybe another 2 years??

Another option to consider is to supplement with videos, books and training tips off the web.
Originally posted by jbkenpo
I drive to Austin at least once a month for private it isn't unheard of to drive a distance

It isn't Kenpo but I drive 250 miles round trip to train with Vlad every other week.
Originally posted by Kalicombat
First of all, kenpo and one's quest for kenpo proficiency, can not and should not be measured in dollars and cents.

It's odd but I heard a TKD master use that exact same line on a student's mother when she balked at the price she was getting charged for her kids grading.

I think they must hand that out at NAPMA.
The NAPMA is a joke. Blood suckers that are out to get the cash, period. My statements are my own, I dont believe in keeping track of the amount one spends on a true passion. Read my previous post. But, I dont believe in dropping money by the handfuls either. If you are gonna try to get a return on your investment, invest your money in something more marketable. In South Texas, kenpo is not a marketable endeavor. Down here, most people stick to TKD, for some unknown reason, the TKD schools keep opening, and keep packing in the students. All the while, the kenpo schools are either closed orstruggling to stay open. Some of the previous posts have claimed as much as $165 a month for kenpo lessons, maybe that is why it's not marketable. In this area, martial arts instruction that I am familiar with average around $45 to 50 a month.

Gary C.
Originally posted by SingingTiger

How much have you spent on Kenpo training, and what level has that amount of money gotten you to? I think I've spent about $1800 so far; I'm a blue belt now, and at the rate I've progressed and expect to progress, I'm guessing a black belt will end up costing around 10 grand. I was just wondering how widely the numbers vary.


sweet car didn't even cost that much. you're paying almost $1000 every six months...crikey.
Originally posted by Chu-Chulain

I also pay about $1,000 per six months in SoCal, with the same setup, one private a week + unlimited group. Personally I do a lot of at home practise, especially on forms and techniques, I would expect/hope to make Green after about 1 year training, not sure how much longer (and hence cost) for 1st Dan, maybe another 2 years??

trying to go quick, eh? what are you gonna learn if you memorize material and just try and get a colored belt every 3 months? how to dance real pretty? is that all you're looking for out of the martial arts? if so, I can recommend a good TKD place...
Originally posted by Kalicombat
I dont believe in keeping track of the amount one spends on a true passion.

While I would agree, others use this argument to extort money.
Green after a year?

Either a) you're on the mat five or six days a week, for several hours every day; b) you've already got a black belt in another art, and you're in there for several hours a day several days a week, c) you're a kenpo genius.

Took me about three-four years, practicing a lot. And I'll just add that I train in So Cal, and the prices were nothing like that: roughly half.

Originally posted by Chu-Chulain

I also pay about $1,000 per six months in SoCal, with the same setup, one private a week + unlimited group. Personally I do a lot of at home practise, especially on forms and techniques, I would expect/hope to make Green after about 1 year training, not sure how much longer (and hence cost) for 1st Dan, maybe another 2 years??

Please tell me where you live and how many students are at your school so I can run down and open a studio there. Geez, a $1000 dollars in six months, that's $165 a month. I could certainly do well on that and drive that new Chevy Z-71 I've been wanting without batting an eye with 150 students even blowing $10,000 on overhead I would still make almost $14000 dollars a month gross, and that amounts to almost $150,000 a year. I could put up with a lot of whining for that kind of money, Please tell me where you are!!!!!!

Have a great Kenpo day

Originally posted by ProfessorKenpo
I could put up with a lot of whining for that kind of money

In this sentence alone I sense a whole load of issues. Ha ha ha! Thanx Clyde!
with 150 students even blowing $10,000 on overhead I would still make almost $14000 dollars a month gross, and that amounts to almost $150,000 a year.

Sounds like a good deal to me as well. But that assumes that everyone is paying for a private lesson once a week. The basic cost at my dojo with no private lessons is half of what I pay; the cost for one or two private lessons per month is in between. The cost for children might be less, I've never looked into it.

I'm guessing there are 50 to 100 current, paying students at my school, and not all of them get a private lesson once a week. And I don't know whether or not $10,000/month covers the overhead (Los Gatos is a pricey place). So I imagine the guy who runs my dojo is making a good living, but I doubt that he's carting off the money to the bank in a wheelbarrow.

I appreciate all the responses I've seen regarding cost in various other parts of the country. Based on what I've seen, I think that what I'm currently paying is definitely high, but when corrected for location and school size, I don't think it's unreasonably high.

Originally posted by SingingTiger

I appreciate all the responses I've seen regarding cost in various other parts of the country. Based on what I've seen, I think that what I'm currently paying is definitely high, but when corrected for location and school size, I don't think it's unreasonably high.

Not bad at all, and we cal also ad that most people have other hobbies that they spend money on like music cost of systems, CDs, private lessons so on and so forth.
So itÂ’s not that bad and specially that as far as I know in other areas of personal inters a private class or private consultation cost way more then what the average is for a private class in martial arts!

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