
Originally posted by TangSooGuy
I will however NEVER understandwhy so many people get upset over instructors who charge what they need to in order to make a living off teaching martial arts.

Teaching martial arts is a valuable service, and if that's what someone wants to do with their life, they have every right to make money doing it.

Man you hit the nail on the head! All we have is our knowledge and time, but everyone wants it for nothing. I had to pay a good price for what I learned and am not ashamed of it. Although not always in dollars....... a lot was spent on Air Fares and Loyalty to the Association in terms of Dues and Support to my Instructor. As a result I got First Class Instruction always!!

(Yoda voice) Never regret it I!

My students pay monthly, because I don't want to spend half the class making change and writing it all down.

The monthly fee is £24, training twice a week. (Base price £3 per class, or if you like, £2 per hour)

Class times are usually one and a half hours, and the chatting is done after the class is finished.

The class begins at 7.30, which means students are required to be changed and ready to line up by then, not parking their at 7.30

In exceptional circumstances, class fees can be paid on the night, but then there is a surcharge.

Guest students from other Kenpo schools are not charged for their (first) visit. (Thats a hint to satans barber, make the trip.)
Originally posted by Les

My students pay monthly, because I don't want to spend half the class making change and writing it all down.

The monthly fee is £24, training twice a week. (Base price £3 per class, or if you like, £2 per hour)

Class times are usually one and a half hours, and the chatting is done after the class is finished.

The class begins at 7.30, which means students are required to be changed and ready to line up by then, not parking their at 7.30

In exceptional circumstances, class fees can be paid on the night, but then there is a surcharge.

Guest students from other Kenpo schools are not charged for their (first) visit.

Wow, class prices in pounds I can understand. Costs us £3.50 for one hour, and there's 3 on a week, which if you went to them all would be nearly £40 a month, a considerable amount more than £24. Glen's changin out times at the end of the month though, to two sessions a week at 90 minutes, although I suspect the price will go up.

(Thats a hint to satans barber, make the trip.)

I may well. I told my friend in Oxford who trains with me during the holidays about the club you have down there in Blackbird Leys, as he's been looking for a club down there to go to in term time. He seems to think the area's a bit rough and the people at the club would gang up on any students that turned up no end, which I said I thought was daft.

He's invited me to go down for a few days in the week after next, so maybe I'll go along and hold his hand ;)

I'm sure we'll either be considerably better or considerably worse than your equivalent belts, that seems to be the case in different sects of teh same style...I'm sure if two first brown belts from the North rolled through the door they might expect more than we could put out. Then again, maybe not...

my instructor charges about $80 a month, less if you want to pay for a few months up front... expensive, yes, but I have never seen him turn someone away who really couldn't pay, either.

its kind of interesting...people tend to value something more if they pay more for it... I know I appreciated my lessons a lot more when I started having to pay for them myself (mom and dad stopped footing the bill after I came home with so many bruises from a sparring class that when I took off my uniform top my mom freaked out and said she didn't want me doing karate any more. I'm stubborn and started to pay for it myself) It got me into the studio a lot more, knowing that if I wasn't there, I was wasting my own pocket money, which I didn't (and still don't) have a lot of. I'm 23 and have been paying for my own lessons since high school.

if your students can't pay what you're asking, I mean really flat out can't afford it but are dying to train anyway, that doesn't mean you should let them off the hook though... there's always something else they can contribute. a younger child who wants to train can come in early and clean the windows and mirrors and vacuum the carpets for you. perhaps someone in high school or college (or even an adult) could maintain your website. you're not losing any money by having an additional body in your group classes, and they're saving you time by doing little mundane chores so you don't have to. when people are given a handout, they don't always appreciate what they have, but if they have to work for it, even if its not actually going to a job and handing you a chunk of their monthly paycheck, as long as there's some kind of reciprocal action going on, you get a student that really wants to learn, and they get an instructor who wants to teach students who really appreciate their training.
Originally posted by Goldendragon7
Time to up the anti!

Yes. As everyone knows I think most american kenpoists charge far too little for their services.

I also think the moon is made of cheese...
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

But usually $ 50.00 a session (what ever time we use min. 1 hr) in person...... but LD Training (net meeting or video or AIM) is usually $25.00 per hour for personal students $40.00 non Students, plus materials.


Don't forget, you also have to throw in lunch. Those are the perks for being top dog!:eek:
Originally posted by RCastillo

Don't forget, you also have to throw in lunch. Those are the perks for being top dog!:eek:
I will happily buy him anything on the menu as longs as it doesn't cost more than $3.50:rofl:

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