I love/hate plans we have about 5 mins of planks each warmup, front, left, right, front again.. Kills my abs the next morning.
Can I ask what your diet is? If your exercising and/but not getting enough nutrients per week, it can start storing a more durable fat in an attempt to keep it long term.
No problem. I actually typed it out for someone else so I can do a ilttle copy-pasta here. What I eat (and what I don't eat) is based heavily on how I feel after eating it so I doubt I'll be changing this too much.
-- Generous amounts of local vegetables first, with decent proportions of local meats.
---- Farmers markets strongly preferred over grocery stores
---- Grass fed strongly preferred over grain fed.
---- Lean preferred over fatty.
-- local pastured eggs
-- Fish (incl. sushi), when i can afford it. Fatty preferred over lean.
-- Some minimally processed foods, if circumstances warrant
---- smoked meats
---- canned tuna, chicken, or ham
---- frozen or canned vegetables
-- No other processed foods, no diet gimmicks
-- minimum 3 cups of fresh salad greens per day
-- some fresh fruits, esp. berries or seasonal offerings
-- Healthy added fats, olives, olive oil, avocado, coconut oil/butter, some grass-fed butter (preferably cultured)
-- No grains, corn, or white potatoes with the exception of rice in my sushi
-- Limited starch from other forms (sweet potatoes, yams, yucca, etc)
-- Limited dairy -- milk for my coffee, small portions of cheese - grass-fed preferred, raw milk preferred even more
-- No artifical sweetners, no processed sugar.
----- local maple syrup or honey used only if a recipe genuinely needs it
-- Small amounts of nuts, seeds, or their butters
I eat a few things on trail that I normally wouldn't eat due to the demands of patrol: gatorade, dark chocolate, fudge, trail mix, protein bars.