Core strength training and waist size?

I love/hate plans we have about 5 mins of planks each warmup, front, left, right, front again.. Kills my abs the next morning.

Can I ask what your diet is? If your exercising and/but not getting enough nutrients per week, it can start storing a more durable fat in an attempt to keep it long term.

No problem. I actually typed it out for someone else so I can do a ilttle copy-pasta here. What I eat (and what I don't eat) is based heavily on how I feel after eating it so I doubt I'll be changing this too much.

-- Generous amounts of local vegetables first, with decent proportions of local meats.
---- Farmers markets strongly preferred over grocery stores
---- Grass fed strongly preferred over grain fed.
---- Lean preferred over fatty.

-- local pastured eggs

-- Fish (incl. sushi), when i can afford it. Fatty preferred over lean.

-- Some minimally processed foods, if circumstances warrant
---- smoked meats
---- canned tuna, chicken, or ham
---- frozen or canned vegetables

-- No other processed foods, no diet gimmicks

-- minimum 3 cups of fresh salad greens per day

-- some fresh fruits, esp. berries or seasonal offerings

-- Healthy added fats, olives, olive oil, avocado, coconut oil/butter, some grass-fed butter (preferably cultured)

-- No grains, corn, or white potatoes with the exception of rice in my sushi

-- Limited starch from other forms (sweet potatoes, yams, yucca, etc)

-- Limited dairy -- milk for my coffee, small portions of cheese - grass-fed preferred, raw milk preferred even more

-- No artifical sweetners, no processed sugar.
----- local maple syrup or honey used only if a recipe genuinely needs it

-- Small amounts of nuts, seeds, or their butters

I eat a few things on trail that I normally wouldn't eat due to the demands of patrol: gatorade, dark chocolate, fudge, trail mix, protein bars.
Just took another set of measurements. My waist has returned to its previous size. This wasn't muscle or fat, it was just water (hormonal).

Why that didn't occur to me, I'm not sure... :duh:
Just took another set of measurements. My waist has returned to its previous size. This wasn't muscle or fat, it was just water (hormonal).

Why that didn't occur to me, I'm not sure... :duh:

I realize you are upset but whatever you do....STAY AWAY FROM THE MAGLITES :uhyeah:
I've....had to make friends with maglites. There, I said it.
Its...OK. I understand, I think....
No problem. I actually typed it out for someone else so I can do a ilttle copy-pasta here. What I eat (and what I don't eat) is based heavily on how I feel after eating it so I doubt I'll be changing this too much.

-- Generous amounts of local vegetables first, with decent proportions of local meats.
---- Farmers markets strongly preferred over grocery stores
---- Grass fed strongly preferred over grain fed.
---- Lean preferred over fatty.

-- local pastured eggs

-- Fish (incl. sushi), when i can afford it. Fatty preferred over lean.

-- Some minimally processed foods, if circumstances warrant
---- smoked meats
---- canned tuna, chicken, or ham
---- frozen or canned vegetables

-- No other processed foods, no diet gimmicks

-- minimum 3 cups of fresh salad greens per day

-- some fresh fruits, esp. berries or seasonal offerings

-- Healthy added fats, olives, olive oil, avocado, coconut oil/butter, some grass-fed butter (preferably cultured)

-- No grains, corn, or white potatoes with the exception of rice in my sushi

-- Limited starch from other forms (sweet potatoes, yams, yucca, etc)

-- Limited dairy -- milk for my coffee, small portions of cheese - grass-fed preferred, raw milk preferred even more

-- No artifical sweetners, no processed sugar.
----- local maple syrup or honey used only if a recipe genuinely needs it

-- Small amounts of nuts, seeds, or their butters

I eat a few things on trail that I normally wouldn't eat due to the demands of patrol: gatorade, dark chocolate, fudge, trail mix, protein bars.
Well, looks like your worked it out.

That's a commendable diet, very nice.
If you want good core strength do v-ups. They're somewhat like situps except your feet also come up so you form a v. Very hard to do but an excellent workout.
EDIT - This post was supposed to go in Billc's firearm instructor's thread. I have no idea how it got here, because I wasn't on this thread today. I'll see if I can delete/move it.

Post moved to proper thread..
Hello, Carol.

You may want to try measuring again, but I've experienced something similar since starting my Caveman training program and working with progressively heavier kettlebells. I've gone from a 24 to a 26 around the waist. :) Pretty sure it's muscle mass.


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