CONTROVERSY: Free Martial Arts!!!

Your MartialTalk belt rank is simply an indicator of how many posts you've made. It's just a little more fun than "Member with x posts" to call them belt ranks. A military site might start you as a private, and bump you up to general in the same manner. If you check the support forum, there's a stickied thread on this, I believe.
Thank you for the explanation.
However, I don't think I'll be returning to this site.
I came to this site hoping to have adult conversations with other MA's, but with the exception of a few who posted, there was nothing but slander. So.....
This will be the last you see from Shadowstar MMA.
At least until one pops up in your city. . .
You had some questions and some problems.... you will get that at just aboult any internet MA forum. However you are more likely to get an adult conversation on MT that most others. EF is rather unforgiving and others are down right nasty but my best to you

uh, yeah. 1990-1991

You trained for one year. And ... you're teaching???


Not to be mean or anything, but ... you really have no business teaching martial arts and thank god you're not charging anything.

I'm going to give you some free advice. Mkay? Free is a good price, right? But I think my advice to you just *might* be worth a little more to you than your lessons are to your students.

1. Stop teaching right now. Don't start again until you've been training for at least a few years and have had a master instructor help you learn how to teach.

2. Change the name. MMA pretty much has the "Mixed Martial Arts" game down and you just will not be able to compete with that.

3. "W.A.S.T.E." is horrible and makes me wonder if you're for real here. I kinda think you're pulling our collective legs. On the distant chance you're for real, change it to S.W.E.A.T. Please. If you can't figure it out, don't teach again until you do.

Sorry, dude. Free is not always a good price.
Thank you for the explanation.
However, I don't think I'll be returning to this site.
I came to this site hoping to have adult conversations with other MA's, but with the exception of a few who posted, there was nothing but slander. So.....
This will be the last you see from Shadowstar MMA.
At least until one pops up in your city. . .

I think you approached this all wrong.
You have very limited training experience, no real history, no real understanding of the martial arts world. You have a one day a week free program, come bashing anyone who charges then change your story halfway through the thread. What did you expect? Instant acceptance and instant fame for your newly formed system?
I think you should probably ask for a mulligan, rethink your approach to the community... hell I did... I got negative rep the first week I was here, multiple, because I came with a wrong approach, different then yours, but wrong.... This community really does have alot to offer, including the people who you dont agree with... Heck there are a few people here I read their posts and get heated to the core....but I learn a different viewpoint and it helps me wrap my fingers around my own better... even if I despise that viewpoint of theirs LOL
trust me, you will only do yourself good to do this...leaving is only going to hurt you noone here is going to care when this thread disappears down the list... and I hate to say it, but I have little doubt that I wont be seeing a shadowstar in my community in my lifetime... not at its current pace anyways. Just food for thought..
uh, yeah. 1990-1991

I see. Thanks for the info.

In all honesty, I'd leave the reference to CLF off your training/teaching cv. A single year, almost 20 years ago. I'm sorry, but I don't believe you could fully grasp the basics of the seed hands and horses in that time to become effective enough to teach it. Personal opinion only on it. Not knocking you personally, but the time you say... I just don't believe it could be of any value or use outside of gross motor movement, lacking control and understanding.

Enjoy your self though. Maybe you've grown enough with KFSS & Shotokan, I don't know. But I do know I'm very skeptical about your CLF background.
IMHO, I'd say the exchange is fair, and that instructors- perhaps many, but not all- are investing just as much as the students, although maybe not in the same way. The use and exchange of time, energy and money isn't a one-way street, and sadly, it's not rare to have well-off students in martial arts who have really good teachers who can barely put food on their tables. One of my biggest regrets was having heard that a former instructor of mine had to live out of his car for close to two months. Yet, he believed in charging a very small amount to his students, whether they were financially set or struggling like he was.
If people in this country went to a club advertising MMA and found it was what is described on the website, they'd be off to Trading Standards as misleading advertising lol!
I agree not everyone who does MMA competes, I don't, I ref instead being too old to compete but whether people compete or not the MMA they train the same as those who do compete.
What is described on the website is not MMA, it is a mixture of the styles you have described.
if people go to a TKD club they expect to train TKD, the same as BJJ, Judo etc they don't expect to train something different which is what you are advertising by calling it MMA. I think you'll do yourself a dis-service too, many people who could be training with you won't because they will think it's an MMA club by the title and not even look at your website.
I'm in agreement with Tez here. I myself have never competed in MMA competition, but from what limited experience I've had, anytime I either trained or visted a gym that advertised "MMA" it involved a curriculum built off combining striking and grappling disciplines, and was more or less geared towards competition, though self-defense wasn't necessarily written off.

If I went to a gym that advertised anything with the acronym "MMA" or "Mixen Martial Arts", my expectation would be something sport-oriented, and I'm sure others here would see it the same way.

Like Tez, age might be an issue for me if I chose to compete, but I like using the training as a way for me to handle situations where an attacker/opponent doesn't have the same background as me. However, it doesn't change what comes to mind when I hear "MMA".

Conversely, I think it would be more honest to advertise or name a school in accordance with what an instructor is offering. Personally, I'd feel like I was doing my past instructors a disservice by not stating that I was teaching what they had taught me (unless they said I wasn't ready or qualified to teach... lol)
Well, I agree, that some teachers will charge more than others. Alot of the time it depends on who the teacher is, what the art is, how available the art is, etc. For example...the guy I do BJJ with charges $60/hr, but I'd be willing to bet that if I were to head to Cali. and take a 1hr lesson with Rickson Gracie, I'd be paying alot more than that. Again, there is an obvious difference between the two.

I hate to say it MJS, but here in CA, you might see $100/hr lessons from people who aren't even in the same caliber as Rickson Gracie. It's really a matter of who you know, and how well you know out here. I've seen wannabe-instructors offering lessons for outrageous prices, as well as solid, stand-up instructors only asking for enough to help pay the rent.

Of course, unless there was an understanding, I'd also think that anyone teaching out of their home, would want to look into insurance in the event of injury.
This is practically a must. I've actually heard of instructors shutting down their schools because they didn't have insurance to handle a training-related injury that their student didn't have. And as far as insurance goes, depending on your carrier, you need to make sure you qualify, and that your school fits the requirements to have the coverage.

It's one thing to teach a friend/acquaitance martial arts- even a small group is understandable. I'm sure many members here have received "underground" or "backyard" training. However, once that teaching courtesy extends past that small circle, there's several risks being taken and questions of liability and accountability do arise.
I guess I should've read the ENTIRE thread before I found out he was deciding not to return to MT.

You asked: Why not simply go with "Shadowstar Martial Arts" and describe it as an eclectic mix of the martial arts you've studied, influenced by your personal experience when someone needs to know more?
A: I normally do. Unfortunately, when i purchased the domain, "shadowstarma" was taken.
Now, I admit that I'm not the most net-savy person in the world, but out of curiosity, I searched for "shadowstarma" as a .com, .org and a .net. Nothing showed up. Is the domain name the same as what goes between "www." and ".com"? Are there other dot-somethings that it could've been listed under?
forget it. I've tried to explain that to you, and it didn't stick.
Obviously, you are so close-minded you can't see past yourself and your own "self-awesomeness."

Yep thats me, 'Ms Close Mind' and yes I am awesome (my cat thinks so but then it is dinner time), glad you agree there.

I think everyone has said actually what needs to be said.
Someone who comes on here saying instructors who charge are the pits, says he's been accused of child molestation on here, has had a whole years training in a martial art twenty years ago and then proceeds to teach it hasn't a lot going for him tbh.
There's people on here with a vast experience of martial arts and although I have never met them I would take their advice without hesitation.
Thank you for the explanation.
However, I don't think I'll be returning to this site.
I came to this site hoping to have adult conversations with other MA's, but with the exception of a few who posted, there was nothing but slander. So.....
This will be the last you see from Shadowstar MMA.
At least until one pops up in your city. . .

If it's written it's libel actually and if anyones been libelled it's us with that 'child molestation' bollocks. Anyone explain?

I can't wait until a Shadowstar pops up in my 'city', go for it!
Yep thats me, 'Ms Close Mind' and yes I am awesome (my cat thinks so but then it is dinner time), glad you agree there.

The cat is biased & can be bought by a can of tuna ... its opinion doesn't count as a result. ;)
If it's written it's libel actually and if anyones been libelled it's us with that 'child molestation' bollocks. Anyone explain?

I believe he was referring to this post. Not really an accusation, IMO, Steve was just giving an honest explanation of why someone who teaches kids for free might raise a red flag. Nobody does anything without receiving some sort of compensation, whether in monetary gain or in the satisfaction of doing a good deed. Or other things.
I believe he was referring to this post. Not really an accusation, IMO, Steve was just giving an honest explanation of why someone who teaches kids for free might raise a red flag. Nobody does anything without receiving some sort of compensation, whether in monetary gain or in the satisfaction of doing a good deed. Or other things.

Thanks for that, I was wondering if it was my post where I said that teaching children MMA caused adverse coments from people.
I agree with Steve's post though and wouldn't have taken it as an accusation more as a concern. One of the reasons to set up as a 'proper' school is that you can show people your good intentions as well as protect yourself. People like to see qualifications if they themselves know nothing about a subject, they want to be reassured that it's professional in behaviour not necessarily in mony matters. I think steves concern was a correct one.
I hate to say it MJS, but here in CA, you might see $100/hr lessons from people who aren't even in the same caliber as Rickson Gracie.

Umm I think its pretty much widely accepted that nobody around today is on the same calliber as Rickson... and before him Rolls... but hey you are correct. I know of brown belt instructors in California that are getting over $100/hr for private lessons.
Many times I have contemplated leaving this site becase of the adversity that seemed to come from most every angle... I am still here... not becuase I owe something or feel compelled to stay... its becuase its my will and my desire to continue to walk through the flames regardless of the cost.... If you quit... If you walk away becuase you feel slandered or wronged somehow then you are laying down in the face of opposition and allowing them to decide for you... you are allowing them to draw your own conclusions leaving them scott free and you walking away scarred and beat.... Yeah you can say anything you want about the opposition under your breath but by turning and walking away you are memorializing what they have said about you.... If you cant stand up for yourself here then where does that leave you elsewhere.... I know, its the internet and who cares... still, the principle is the same.

Hey Sean, Can I come and train with you over a weekend so I can say that I trained in CLF? I don't need to have any understanding of the system. I mean, that is all it takes to make a claim at having trained in a system, right?

While I am at it, I may make a trip to England and train with Tez3. Then I can say I trained in England as well.

For that matter, I am going to bounce around to everyones gym/school and make claims to have trained with you all.

Where does the insanity stop? How many people out there are going to continue to rip off the unknowing public? And where is my piece of the pie?

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