yikes! is this guy serious?

Archangel M

Senior Master
Dec 5, 2007
Reaction score

Im thinking that this forum is the best place for this.
Probably only works on his own students, or by suggestion.

Derren Brown shows how to do this by suggestion:

And Master Ryukerin shows what happens if you try to do this in an actual fight:
At first, I thought "no, it's got to be a joke youtube clip, no-one is that misguided...", but then I visited the site listed...

The vast list of disperate sources, cultures, languages (almost universally misused, by the way), and the distinct lack of humour have me feeling that they do actually believe in what they are doing! Oh, and the "Frequently Asked Questions" page remarkably doesn't show what I feel would be the most frequently asked question... "Come on, really? Let me try..."

Oh, and Bruno, seen that clip before (Master Ryukerin, the other won't let me open it... seems someone doesn't appreciate criticism), always makes me laugh. Thanks for that again!
Looks like a bad joke...which is preferable to the alternative. Yet, some people believe this...
That MMA vs. No-Touch KO guy...I have to give that MMA guy credit. Its obvious that he had no intention of just destroying the NTKO dude. Which he obviously could have done. It looks like he just wanted to give the guy a few shots to prove his point without seriously hurting him. You can see that after each time he struck his opponent he showed some concern for his safety.

I wonder what the NTKO guy thought about his "powers" after that kick to the face?
That MMA vs. No-Touch KO guy...I have to give that MMA guy credit. Its obvious that he had no intention of just destroying the NTKO dude. Which he obviously could have done. It looks like he just wanted to give the guy a few shots to prove his point without seriously hurting him. You can see that after each time he struck his opponent he showed some concern for his safety.

I wonder what the NTKO guy thought about his "powers" after that kick to the face?

Didn't some guy in the US promote the NTKO? Then he went on to say that MMA fighters have a resiliency to NTKO technique?

That's got to be some tasty Kool-Aid... But then again, if all fights involved me and some guy who tried to use cosmic energy/the Force/their voice/etc, I'd be content with that. However, it seems to me that the kind of people involved with such arts aren't the kind of people that pick fights anyway, so that's reassuring on several levels.
Didn't some guy in the US promote the NTKO? Then he went on to say that MMA fighters have a resiliency to NTKO technique?

That's got to be some tasty Kool-Aid... But then again, if all fights involved me and some guy who tried to use cosmic energy/the Force/their voice/etc, I'd be content with that. However, it seems to me that the kind of people involved with such arts aren't the kind of people that pick fights anyway, so that's reassuring on several levels.

I wonder what the NTKO guy thought about his "powers" after that kick to the face?

Probably something along these lines:


In order to hold onto a belief like that you have to be pretty good at starring reality right in the face and denying it exists.
Dillman is over the edge. Does he actually believe any of that crap?
Dillman is over the edge. Does he actually believe any of that crap?

His trick is hardly unique, his application of it too "martial arts" is. But his draw are likely the same sorts of personalities as this other chap, except his go for more new age spirituality stuff and not the over the top commercial style of this similar performer:

Dillman is over the edge. Does he actually believe any of that crap?

Kind of sad, huh...

But what an awesome fighting technique... as long as your opponent isn't too skeptical and doesn't put his tongue on the roof of his mouth or wiggle his toes...
Very subjective, this guy needs to take a walk down some dark alley where people don't know him from jack. Then, see if all this crap works.
I wonder if Benny repeats this prayer:

Let us pray the pimp's prayer. Lord, please pray for this soul of this Bit** and guide my pimp hand and make it strooong Lord! So that she might learn a ho's place. Amen!
-A Pimp named Slickback
Very subjective, this guy needs to take a walk down some dark alley where people don't know him from jack. Then, see if all this crap works.

It's not about where you put your tongue, or your toe for that matter, but where you put your fist or foot that matters. I suspect that the believers in this junk need to reconsider where they've put their heads!

BTW did anyone read the latest issue of Journal of the Asian Martial Arts (Vol. 18, No. 2)? They featured an article titled, " Was Jesus a Martial Artist?" that proposes that Jesus used precisely this kind of non-contact martial technique to defend himself during "the incident on the precipice" Luke 4:16-30. No kidding. If I were religious, I think I would be offended!

Oh, in the same issue there is an article that I do recommend, titled, "Tactile Development Through Wing Tsun's 'Sticking Hands' Practice", written by my si-dai, Master Jeff Webb. As the opening word "tactile" suggests, this article has a far more scientifically grounded perspective, discussing the martial advantages of maintaining actual physical contact with your opponent.