CONTROVERSY: Free Martial Arts!!!

I hate to say it MJS, but here in CA, you might see $100/hr lessons from people who aren't even in the same caliber as Rickson Gracie. It's really a matter of who you know, and how well you know out here. I've seen wannabe-instructors offering lessons for outrageous prices, as well as solid, stand-up instructors only asking for enough to help pay the rent.

Umm I think its pretty much widely accepted that nobody around today is on the same calliber as Rickson... and before him Rolls... but hey you are correct. I know of brown belt instructors in California that are getting over $100/hr for private lessons.

Agreed on both posts. I threw Rickson out as an example, but any name can be inserted there.
Many times I have contemplated leaving this site becase of the adversity that seemed to come from most every angle... I am still here... not becuase I owe something or feel compelled to stay... its becuase its my will and my desire to continue to walk through the flames regardless of the cost.... If you quit... If you walk away becuase you feel slandered or wronged somehow then you are laying down in the face of opposition and allowing them to decide for you... you are allowing them to draw your own conclusions leaving them scott free and you walking away scarred and beat.... Yeah you can say anything you want about the opposition under your breath but by turning and walking away you are memorializing what they have said about you.... If you cant stand up for yourself here then where does that leave you elsewhere.... I know, its the internet and who cares... still, the principle is the same.


And I'm glad that you did stay. I know you and I have gone back and forth a few times, but in the end, things worked out. :) In the long run I think we were more on the same page than not.
Hey Sean, Can I come and train with you over a weekend so I can say that I trained in CLF? I don't need to have any understanding of the system. I mean, that is all it takes to make a claim at having trained in a system, right?

yeah man... swing on by... I'll print you up a certificate to prove it & we can go take cool pics to prove it.

Where does the insanity stop? How many people out there are going to continue to rip off the unknowing public? And where is my piece of the pie?

It doesn't...
At a table I bet you wouldn't stop at...
yeah man... swing on by... I'll print you up a certificate to prove it & we can go take cool pics to prove it.

It doesn't...
At a table I bet you wouldn't stop at...

DAMN!!! Wish I lived closer... Could I trade you a Yang style Taiji certificate with associated cool pics to prove it :D
I out for the weekend and this is what I missed? lol.

I feel bad for the instructor when one of his students decides to test his skills in a competitive format... And is severely brought down because he didn't train for competition.

What does that say about the training in question? What does that say about the instructor as a leader and a martial artist?

One thing that we all have in common as martial artists is that we train for a specific moment when we might need these skills. Many of us learn from arts that help us out on the street. When you throw in MMA into the title of the school, you imply sportive competition. Not all MMA groups go for competition all the time, but it does imply that its members can understand, and hold their own in MMA competition.

Getting a bunch of kids, ask them to train in what looks like his home, and have them not dress out for physical activity? That's crazy. You're not going to improve your technique wearing jeans. I think that's also very irresponsible.

It's not MMA. It's a tagline to get kids in the door.
I hate to say it MJS, but here in CA, you might see $100/hr lessons from people who aren't even in the same caliber as Rickson Gracie. It's really a matter of who you know, and how well you know out here. I've seen wannabe-instructors offering lessons for outrageous prices, as well as solid, stand-up instructors only asking for enough to help pay the rent.

Umm I think its pretty much widely accepted that nobody around today is on the same calliber as Rickson... and before him Rolls... but hey you are correct. I know of brown belt instructors in California that are getting over $100/hr for private lessons.

Agreed on both posts. I threw Rickson out as an example, but any name can be inserted there.

OK this is a bit off topic but not living on the west coast and not training BJJ these prices have me wondering

There is a guy that I do believe is a rather good martial artist that is a BJJ Black Belt which he got from Carlos Machado and he charges $79/hour for private lessons... how does that compare to the $100 per hour form California and what could be expected as it applies to his skill level.

I am not going to train BJJ by the way it is just when anyone in my area ask me about BJJ I have been referring them to him
He is down... no need to continue kicking him.

On a different note... I live in Kommiefornia and dues range anywhere from astronomical hourly rates just to roll with a brand name.... Most places are "fight club" type gyms that charge monthly dues ranging from 85.00 to 150.00 ...they employ the top competitors in MMA or singular combat sports... I have subscribed on a couple of occassions to these places.... They seem to pop up like starbucks establishments and is seemingly all about the sale, just like 24hour fitness.... they seem to be marketing the idea rather than being truly concerned with individual skill.... I was told to leave "city boxing" becuase I "kicked the bags wrong" and made them swing up and break the flourescent bulbs that were exposed.... stupid as it sounds its true... its mostly about money and volume and occassionaly about skill.... if it is about skill its about getting a contract and making money in the ring.... Not all places are like this but when you have over 300 members... attention to detail and attention to each individual becomes null and void...
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DAMN!!! Wish I lived closer... Could I trade you a Yang style Taiji certificate with associated cool pics to prove it :D

Done... next time you're flying down to the 6th Borough of NYC stop at Hartsfield... we'll do pics & certs in front of the tarmac so you can say you also trained NTSB & Air Marshals
Getting a bunch of kids, ask them to train in what looks like his home, and have them not dress out for physical activity? That's crazy. You're not going to improve your technique wearing jeans. I think that's also very irresponsible.

The thing that stuck out for me was the picture of the kids doing hands-on work and weapons training near the big windows. And the kid who got taken down near the edge of the wall in the entryway. That... could end badly.
Searcher and all, you are more than welcome to come and train with us! We have a lot of soldiers as students so bring us some techniques from your style ( we love new techniques!) and you can rightly claim to have taught the British military!! We sometimes have mates of our instructor in just to roll around and they are SAS so you can go one further and say you trained British Spec Forces! You leave out the bit that it's 'civvie' martial arts though lol! Teach me something too and you've taught the British police!

Seriously though if anyone does ever find themselves over in Blighty, you are very very welcome to come and train or just come to say hello!
Yep thats me, 'Ms Close Mind' and yes I am awesome (my cat thinks so but then it is dinner time), glad you agree there.

I think everyone has said actually what needs to be said.
Someone who comes on here saying instructors who charge are the pits, says he's been accused of child molestation on here, has had a whole years training in a martial art twenty years ago and then proceeds to teach it hasn't a lot going for him tbh.
There's people on here with a vast experience of martial arts and although I have never met them I would take their advice without hesitation.
Hey, whoa... just to set the record straight, I didn't accuse him of being a child molestor. Only that, before allowing any of my kids to take "free martial arts" lessons from a guy about whom I know nothing, I'd... well, honestly, I wouldn't even consider it. I tried to make it clear that I wasn't accusing anyone of anything. I was pointing out that his situation is, in my opinion, very suspicious.
Searcher and all, you are more than welcome to come and train with us! We have a lot of soldiers as students so bring us some techniques from your style ( we love new techniques!) and you can rightly claim to have taught the British military!! We sometimes have mates of our instructor in just to roll around and they are SAS so you can go one further and say you trained British Spec Forces! You leave out the bit that it's 'civvie' martial arts though lol! Teach me something too and you've taught the British police!

Seriously though if anyone does ever find themselves over in Blighty, you are very very welcome to come and train or just come to say hello!
I'll definitely add your school to my list of places to get my butt kicked when I vacation in the UK. :D
Shadowstar is a mixed martial art. For those of you who can look past the wiki definition of “MMA”, I mean exactly what the name says. It’s a mixed martial art. Not one style is taught in my school. I don’t teach an ancient fighting system laid down in stone by my predecessors. I teach a martial art that is practical and made up of many different types of fighting. Judo. Kung Fu. Karate. Kickboxing. San Soo. The list goes on and on.

How many martial arts competitions are in the Olympics? There’s more than one, right? Then why is it that these martial arts are not called “Olympic”?
The comment was made that I was putting “MMA” in the name of the school to get people in the door. That would make perfect sense, if I charged for classes.

I was hoping to find a site that I could converse with other martial artists and owner/instructors.
Instead I found myself badgered and ridiculed for the attempt. The only logical explanation I have for this is that the thought of Shadowstar MMA scares people. IÂ’m not sure why, weÂ’re not out to attack anyone. Not even in the ring. However, Shadowstar is something a lot of people donÂ’t understand, and thatÂ’s ok. ItÂ’s ok not to understand. IÂ’ve been teaching since 1992, been under martial arts instruction since 1984, and I still donÂ’t understand.
One of our mottos is “How long does it take?” (this is a question that every instructor has tried to answer, pertaining to how long it takes to learn something.)
The answer is One. One lifetime.

My backgrounds, my school, what I name my school, even the age of my students were attacked. In one thread it was insinuated that I was suspect of being a child molester.
This angers me greatly. Even though every parent, teacher, and student should be aware of these things, to come out and all but accuse someone of this for no more reason than the fact that I donÂ’t charge for classes is absurd and very insulting.

For those of you who are true martial artists: Keep up the good work. I hope to cross paths with you and we can share and learn from each other. Always remember that martial arts is not a system of fighting. ItÂ’s a way of life.

To answer one final question, “Why not just teach Kung Fu San Soo?

Or any of the other styles for free for that matter and not use the MMA label?”

I donÂ’t teach what I was taught for a couple of reasons. Teaching of one particular style limits what is taught through tradition, curriculum, and rules. (example: a tournament martial arts is not going to teach grabbing the groin or thumbing an eye.)

Simply put, I disagree with some of the rules.

To finish up, I mean no disrespect to anyone that has shown me and my school welcome. I very much enjoyed reading (some) of your posts and answering your questions. Thank you.

Mixed Martial Arts is not just "mixing martial arts". Nor is it just about competition. You may train MMA for personal development or for self-defense.

MMA is training system devoted to a concept known as "Aliveness". The systems used to teach MMA vary, but all are trained with "Aliveness". We find this concept naturally advocated in martial arts like boxing and Greco-Roman wrestling. It is also the training process found in arts like Brazilian jujutsu, Judo, Sambo, Muay Thai, San Shou, etc.

Without Aliveness, you have no MMA training. Given the pictures on your site and the training system you've advocated here and on your site, what you train in cannot be called Mixed Martial Arts.
The attitude of Shadowstar was kind of sad really. When I took wing chun, the Sifu was on the brink of having too close the school because 50% of the students weren't paying their bills. He let them do work at the school, and let them keep training because he was a genuinely nice guy, but finally wrote a letter to every one in the school that he would have to close unless everybody started paying. The Sifu had invested a lot of money in the school, we had every type of punching and kicking bag imagineable, a weight room, and the school was open a whole lot of hours each week, he had bills to pay, rent, utilities, insurance and the like. Eventually people started paying, he's still in business.

Another martial arts teacher I know is just barely making it and he teaches out of his own house! I know of another who had to close the school and work as a truck driver, he just couldn't pay the bills. People have to make a living, he sounded concerned about those who don't have the money. Well, yes, those who can't pay still need the training, but if you want to cross that bridge you have to pay that toll! If he wants to offer his services for free fine, but why come across as somehow self righteous because he doesn't charge money when he admits he gets free rent and he does accept donations (in fact asks for them on his website!) And his credentials were the least of any martial arts teacher I have ever get what you pay for.

It's kind of sad really, because I think the topic had some merit. Perhaps some sort of sliding scale for low income people is a good idea if workable in a martial arts school. Perhaps a "free" school is a good idea in some circumstances, but the way he approached it kind of stifled a good discussion. Sad really.
DAMN!!! Wish I lived closer... Could I trade you a Yang style Taiji certificate with associated cool pics to prove it :D
Y'know... y'all only need to take one set of cool pics; when clfsean describes it, he's training Yang taiji with Xue & when Xue describes it, they're doing choi li fut.

Get with Bob... and he can make it look like y'all were training in really cool places, too!
Y'know... y'all only need to take one set of cool pics; when clfsean describes it, he's training Yang taiji with Xue & when Xue describes it, they're doing choi li fut.

Get with Bob... and he can make it look like y'all were training in really cool places, too!

Cool now all I have to do is get a picture of CLFSean and I training push hands in front of Yang Chengfu AND Tung Ying Chieh and we got a certificate :D
Sorry to jump on the bandwagon, but I just looked at his website and saw a little girl training in glasses and cut off shorts.

...That's allowed in MMA?
Hey, whoa... just to set the record straight, I didn't accuse him of being a child molestor. Only that, before allowing any of my kids to take "free martial arts" lessons from a guy about whom I know nothing, I'd... well, honestly, I wouldn't even consider it. I tried to make it clear that I wasn't accusing anyone of anything. I was pointing out that his situation is, in my opinion, very suspicious.

Tbh I thought it was my post he was getting at when I said we have enough trouble persuading authorities that MMA is a good sport and we don't beat children up that he was getting at. I know that there's some places that are supposd to be teaching children MMA and letting them compete and others were up in arms about it. I didn't actually connect it to your post. He was obviously on the defensive from the start though, wonder why lol?

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