Flying Crane said:
Fair enough. I think all nations have an obligation to treat other nations with respect, including respecting our differences. I don't think anybody is guilt-free here.
Guilt has very little to do wit it.
Flying Crane said:
I think we have a series of "eye for an eye" events, the latest of which is the US invasion of Iraq as misdirected retaliation for the attacks of 9/11 (At least that is part of the government's story to the public).
Wrong. It is the attempt of some to make a strawman argument, claiming that Iraq was about 9/11. Iraq was a problem LONG BEFORE 9/11. Iraq was invaded because it was time to either put up or shut up and leave on the Saddam problem. The timing was determined by the fact that we either A) Dealt with Saddam at that point, when we had the political capital or B) We let him off the hook, and waited to see what happened.
Flying Crane said:
The attacks of 9/11 were in retaliation for the fact that the US has military bases in some of the holiest regions of the Muslim world, and for the fact that the US abandoned people like Bin Laden after supporting him for years and did not help rebuild the region after the withdrawal of Soviet troops from their lengthy occupation of Afghanistan. Yes, they have struck at us, as we have struck at and manipulated them.
Again, wrong. bin Laden wasn't so much angry about the military bases, the problem is that he sees the US as being responsible for shoring up the House of Saud. Why does bin Laden care? Well, he wants to topple the House of Saud, so that he can install of the seat of a new Pan-Arab Caliphate in Saudi Arabia.
As for the US abandoning bin Laden, that is partially true, however, this is not why bin Laden is angry with the US. Anger has little to do with it. bin Laden, and the other members of al-Qaeda and that whole former segment of the mujahadeen, feel that they, singlehandedly, defeated the Soviet Union. In the minds of the islamic world, the Soviet Union ALWAYS represented the more dangerous of the two super-powers. If they could defeat the Soviet Union, then they could surely defeat the US, which they perceived as a paper-tiger.
The attack of 9/11 was designed to draw the US in to another Afghan quagmire, so that the US could be defeated Soviet style. What happened, however, was not according to bin Laden's plan.
Flying Crane said:
However, I think overall the Western nations, including (but not exclusively) the US, have been in a much stronger position over the decades to manipulate, exploit, control, and push around these other nations, since the US is far far stronger, and has a far far greater rate of natural resources consumption.
Meaning, that the western world has been more successful in gaining and securing influence. That has not always been the case. It was Islam on the march for most of it's history. Suddenly demanding that EVERYONE play nice, will not stop those who desire to expand, from doing so. That we may have lost the will to decide the course of world history, doesn't mean others haven't lost the will to take our place.
Flying Crane said:
This has given us the incentive to exert control and pressure on other nations, especially where natural resources like oil are concerned. In the early and mid parts of the 20th centuries, the Western nations, including the US, carved up the Middle East into political entities that were designed to meet our needs, especially with regards to oil. Much of the resentment that people of this region feel toward the US and other Western nations stems from this era, along with the establishment of Israel.
Before the western countries came, the Ottoman empire was in the decline, and the nations of the middle east were full of semi-nomadic civilizations, with just a few cities. The only reason that oil came in to the equation, was that western countries discovered it, and developed an infrastructure in the middle east to develop it. When it became profitable, the leaders of those nations desired to nationalize it. Of course, they would never have gotten anything out of it, if we had not gone there and found it to begin with. So, what prosperity they have at ALL at this point, is a direct result of western influence. That point always gets ignored.
Flying Crane said:
Did these nations or groups ever invade the US? Did they ever manipulate US economy and take US natural resources for their gain? Did they ever set up a puppet government in the US? Did they ever carve up the US and establish new nations designed to fulfill their economic needs? The answer to these questions is "no".
Again, irrelavent question. They don't see the US as a singular entity, but as a representative of the western world in general. So, it's better to ask the question this way. 'Did these nations or groups ever invade the western world'? Yes, many times. They ruled Spain for centuries, they expanded throughout Europe. It was only after they began falling behind technologically, that the forces of Islam began to receed. They marched to the gates of Vienna, and then began to decline. It wasn't lack of will, it was loss of ability, that resulted in the islamic world's decline. Oil gave them a valuable resource to attempt to recover that lost empire. That you seek to seperate the US from the western world in general is only the desire to, as the Europeans hope to, make this solely about the US. However, history shows that mentality is a HUGE error.
Flying Crane said:
Have they preached hate against the US based on religion? Have they struck at us, and caused injury to members of our population and destruction to our property? yes, but primarily in response to the injuries that we have been doing to them for decades, at least in my opinion.
Primarily in a desire to return to a glorious imperial past. Have you actually listened to bin Laden? He isn't saying 'Allow us to live in peace'. This is the kind of appeasement talke we have seen in the past. The idea that the other side is simply wanting a concession, and that if we give them what they want, they'll put down their arms. Appeasement does not work. The goal of bin Laden, al-Qaeda, and many, many fundamentalist Islamists, as well as Iran (on a Shiite model) is the creation of a Pan-Islamic superstate, stretching across the Islamic world. What's more, al-Qaeda seeks to expand Islamic interests in places where it is developing a large foothold, like the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Africa, various other Asian nations. The motive to expand the boundaries of this future Pan-Islamic Empire is clear.
The blindness that much of the west has to this, however, is that we've adopted an 'us versus us' mentality, where we think that we are our the only enemies around. We see that in the US. Democrats believe that Republicans are the big threat, and vice-versa. Further, those on the left have embraced the marxist model, where all conflict is as a result of wealth inequality, so they see the Islamic Fundamentalist issue as merely a response to western wealth and imequalities. It blinds them to a wider reality. The world is much more complicated than that.