Flying Crane said:
Nobody has forgotten 9/11, and nobody should. However, the world is, unfortunately, a violent place. To believe that we can make the US completely safe from any further attack on any level, is unrealistic. Yes, we will be attacked again at some point, as we have been in the past, but this will happen no matter what level of security the government puts into place. Yes, the government needs to take reasonable steps to safeguard the citizens of this country, but some of their actions deserve scrutiny as they could very easily get out of control. If fear and paranoia are cultivated well enough, as the current administration seems to be trying to do, our nation will become a fascist police-state. Nobody wants this.
In other words, folks, just bend over and grab your ankles, and hope the bad man don't do it too much, right?
Flying Crane said:
We will always be a target for attack by people who hate us. These people don't hate us for the simple reasons that the White House wants us to believe. They don't "hate our freedom" like Bush tells us. The real issues are far far more complex. We as a nation, for decades, have treated other nations in ways that have made them hate us. We have pushed them around both economically and militarily and taken advantage of them for our gain, while giving them little or nothing in return. Until we wise-up to this, take a good hard look at our past actions, acknowledge our mistakes as a nation, and take serious steps to change our behavior toward other, weaker nations, especially weaker nations who have natural resources that we want, we will continue to be hated.
More myths about Islamic fundamentalism based on the outdated 'socialist' model of world history (i.e. everything is the result of US imperialism ala soviet propaganda that is still reverberating far beyond the death of that government).
Islamic fundamentalism has been expansionist for a millenia. What they want, isn't us out of their affairs, what they want is to return to the glory days when they were on the offensive, that ended at Vienna in 1683, when European forces routed the Islamic armies, and pursued them back to their old borders.
It isn't the US that Islamic Fundamentalists hate, it's the fact that infidels are in power anywhere.
If it was just the US, then why is there war and conflict ANYWHERE the Islamic world touches the non-islamic? Sudan, Israel, India, Thailand, the Phillipines, on and on and on. Anywhere Islamic populations touch non-islamic, fundamentalists groups engage in violence against their non-islamic neighbors.
It is very clear that they take the proclaimation that there exist only two abodes in this world, the abode of islam and the abode of war, quite literally. Moderate muslims don't take this literally, but fundamentalist extremist muslims certainly do.
Ignorance, however, is in trying to apply socialist views to Islamic fundamentalists. They hate, EVEN MORE, than christian Americans, secular Americans. At least christians, in their view, are considered children of the book. Atheists and other non-believers are considered blasphemers.
The rest of your post is the same conspiratorial drivel I come to expect from those who buy in to the socialist view of history and politics. Again, it's the same old leftist propaganda recycled. The problem is that many on the left desire to view the islamic terrorists as simply just brothers in the struggle against 'the big baddies', which leftists define as the US in general, and Bush and republicans in particular.
Problem is, Islamic Terrorists don't have any love for you either, and would just as gladly remove your head from your shoulders as they would mine.
Inane Michael Moore 'scare tactics' talking points don't an argument make. Especially when he, and many like him, are completely IGNORANT to the far longer history involved here and how continues to apply.