Oh come on seriously..
I can not be the only one wondering what the hell a Mackeral Snapper is???.....
As to the turn the thread has gone in regards to mentally ill, or whackjobs, and whether they deserve a place in society or not..
Actually, the discussion turned to how those with mental illness should not be lumped in the same category as criminals.
I think that psychologists, psychiatrists, and the entire industry are frantically trying to classify every single person with some type of mental illness or another to the point that the vast majority of us are going to be classified with some type of illness.
I think that it would be better to classify people as either able to function in society, able to function in society with help, or unable to function in society with or without help.
The problem is who is going to make those assessments and what does it mean to those that are deemed unable to function? I cant answer those questions its to broad based, but I do know if I ever have some mentally ill person come on property, come at my family, or myself, or my friends and threaten us in any manner then I am not going to wait to classify him, ill let the coroner figure that out.
Chances are good that the mentally ill frequently walk on your property. You may not recognize them because they are delivery people, mail carriers, repairmen, etc.
You're better off not worrying about the mentally ill and instead worrying about anyone with criminal mischief in mind.
I dont know how this loughner guy came across, but it seems he was competant enough to walk among normal people without standing out unnecessarily, but not competant enough to attend a college without clearance from a doctor that he wasnt a danger to others.. Apparantly there was some type of warning there.
I fortunately come from a family line that other then having a tendancy to be aggressive, and successful does not have any problems fitting in with society and endangering anyone other then the idiots who deserve to be endangered. Unfortunately that leaves me at a loss to understand these..whackjobs...or mentally ill people, and also leaves me with no desire to waste my time worrying about them.
I truly hope that you never have to worry about anyone in your family facing mental illness. I'm sure you realize that people who have job loss or suffer tragic accidents can lead to depression, etc. Your family not having these troubles seems to be cause for thankfulness (not boasting). Of course, I've never been one to tempt karma.
I have many more important goals and desires to fulfill for my family and myself. I also do not like being forced to pay an ever increasing amount of my own money and resources for other people to handle the mentally ill. so whats the answer? I am simply done paying any more, if the burdon on myself and my family is placed any higher I am leaving, and then the rest of you will be left dealing with even fewer dollars to deal with these types... and I know for a fact I am not alone, thousands, probably hundreds of thousands out there are just like me. So what do we do? Accept it??? Or move somewhere away from it so we dont have to accept it? Somehow I dont think the later is even allowed.... but /shrug it is what is it is.
You're not the first person to wonder about what should be done with those who have a disability or mental illness. Hitler included them in his list of people to kill.