Congrats to Black Belt Magazine


Master Black Belt
I am not a current practitioner of TKD, but I am one of few non-practitioners who doesnt bad mouth it. I just want to congradulate Black Belt mag for the last two issues (july and august 04). they had amazing articles on TKD, and how it is THE system for self-defense. Many non TKD guys argue that it is a system of forms and spin kicks not meant for the streets. Well BBM's articles showed the true side of TKD. Good job. Who else read these articles and agrees with me?
i agree with you whole heartedly. i practice tkd and they told some things i didn't know. it's good to see TKD finally getting the credit it deserves.
I have not seen the issue yet. But some of us have always known that Tae Kwon Do is effective self defense. We aren't all tournament freaks.
Yes, of course. One that practices TKD (well, not all) know that if applied right, TKD can be devastatingly effective. but black belt mag expressed it to non-practitioners and practitioners, alike.
Yup, saw the same articles - well written. I'll give them credit, but I still had to weigh through 50 pages of adds to get to them........

Also, anyone else notice the ATA patch on the female TKD'er (August)? First time in a while I've seen an ATA Black Belt in an light weight uniform.......just an oddity to me.

Shogun, you're in Snohomish County - I'm in the city of Snohomish. Do we know each other?
How do you guys remember articles from 2 years ago? I can't remember what I had for breakfast. :)
Gemini said:
How do you guys remember articles from 2 years ago? I can't remember what I had for breakfast. :)

I'm sure he meant 2006........I didn't even notice the date, I know the articles he was talking about.
Fluffy said:
I'm sure he meant 2006........I didn't even notice the date, I know the articles he was talking about.
The OP's post was dated 6/26/2004... it is. :idunno:

ROLF, they did have a few good articles the last few months though!
So tell us about the articles from a few months ago then. What is your opinion and what have you found? How do these articles compare with those from two years ago? Would a person understand TKD better now for reading these articles?

- Ceicei