Confused with stretches? what and when?

Corporal Hicks

Black Belt
Hi there,
I'm current confusing with what stretches to do when and where? I dont understand what stretches I should do in the morning, before I train, after I train etc

Could anybody help me with what stretches I should do and how to do them for example:

In the morning when I wake up,
Before a workout
During a workout
After a workout
Before I go to bed

I'm trying to strengthen my leg muscles as well as increase flexibility, can anybody help me?

Is it true that if you get your stretches wrong you can decrease flexibilty rather than increase it?

Regards and thanks
Corporal Hicks said:
Hi there,
I'm current confusing with what stretches to do when and where? I dont understand what stretches I should do in the morning, before I train, after I train etc

Could anybody help me with what stretches I should do and how to do them for example:

In the morning when I wake up,
Before a workout
During a workout
After a workout
Before I go to bed

I'm trying to strengthen my leg muscles as well as increase flexibility, can anybody help me?

Is it true that if you get your stretches wrong you can decrease flexibilty rather than increase it?

Regards and thanks

If you first do dynamic stretches hard, like rising and side kicks right off, yes you could pull something. Same with isometric or negative stretching.
If you bounce static stretches, you can tear something and put your progress back a year.

Getting a book on stretching would be really helpful to you. I have a couple, Frenettes Guide to Stretching and another one, Stretching Scientifically. I can't post word for word from the book and there's alot of information.

I do slow static stretches first, dynamic after, workout, then isometric always after thoroughly warming up muscles or after workout and more static after a workout.

In the morning is the best time to stretch. But anytime is really good. Always before a workout and after a workout. TW
Another good book someone here recommended is Relax into Stretch by Pavel Tsatsouline. I ordered the book and DVD from DragonDoor. It has been very helpful for me.
I was under the impression you needed to warm up befor stretching, are there some exercises yu can do in the morning without having to warm up???
From Frenette's book, "Guide to Stretching"

Static Stretching
These exercises are performed slowly, bring the body into a stretching position. The position is held for at least 20 seconds. Gymnasts are often seen "relaxing' while doing the "facial" split. You will feel the stretching stimulating, but after a while you will have to change position to regain the tension. Just remember not to change positions too quickly. The slow movements bring about the tension necessary for stretching without activating the muscle spindle, thus decreasing the chance of injury. it is for this reason, I recommend this type of exercise over dynamic stretching.

In the morning--
(1)A basic warmup- either run up an down stairs, jumping jacks, jump rope.
Head/neck warmups, shoulder rolls, waist twists, side stretches, knee rotations, ankle/ball of foot rotations, quad stretches

(2)Then start static stretching, for hamstrings, either bend from the waist, feet apart or together, try to reach or put your hands on the floor, hold. Or, (what I do) sit on the floor, legs at 30 deg. angle and bend from waist, reach for your feet, chest to knee-objective. Hold 20 sec. min., 3 times each leg. Go only until it is uncomfortable. Do not move up and down trying to reach the foot, this is bouncing your muscles into position and can tear and has torn mine.

(3)Then dynamic-rising kicks and side rising kicks.(warms up muscles further for the workout)
End it there or go into workout.

(4) Workout -30-60 min.

(5)Then Isometric/Negative stretching (improves stretching ability)

(6)Then Static stretching of hamstrings at the end to cool down, removes lactic acid buildup. Also quad stretches, pull back ankle, with one hand, bending at knee to butt--balancing on other leg.

Corporal Hicks said:
Whats a slow static stretch and how can you bounce it?

Bouncing'd be where you got into your stretch position then boinged up and down to try to get yourself lower/more extended. Not healthy for your muscles or joints at all.

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