Master Black Belt
Hiya all.
I'm not new to the cometition thing, but I haven't been to a tourny in two years, competing that is. So I don't know what the judges look for these days.
Anyways, I need advice for my breaks. It's a WTF TKD style tourny (reason for me putting this thread here
). I have a slight problem, though. I injured my hand at my test last week, so the use of my right hand for breaks is out. I can do an elbow strike or something like that, but nothing that has to do with my fist (my left hand stinks at breaking, so that's out too LOL).
There will be three stations. Two boards each station (red belt adults and above have to break with two boards ... weird rules, but oh well). One of my instructors said that the more "showy" the breaks are the better the score. He didn't mean the super high, spinning, jumping, weird, off the wall kicks. He ment, put on a good show. So that's what I want to do.
Is there a combo you guys/gals can come up with that will look good and that I don't have to injure another body part to do so? There's not many kicks I have trouble with breaking. So three kicks or a elbow strike, and two kicks are good.
Well let your ideas go folks
. Thanks in advance. (I will come back sunday to let ya know how I did
I'm not new to the cometition thing, but I haven't been to a tourny in two years, competing that is. So I don't know what the judges look for these days.
Anyways, I need advice for my breaks. It's a WTF TKD style tourny (reason for me putting this thread here

There will be three stations. Two boards each station (red belt adults and above have to break with two boards ... weird rules, but oh well). One of my instructors said that the more "showy" the breaks are the better the score. He didn't mean the super high, spinning, jumping, weird, off the wall kicks. He ment, put on a good show. So that's what I want to do.
Is there a combo you guys/gals can come up with that will look good and that I don't have to injure another body part to do so? There's not many kicks I have trouble with breaking. So three kicks or a elbow strike, and two kicks are good.
Well let your ideas go folks