3rd Black Belt
MJ said:Please keep the conversation polite and respectful.
MT Moderator
trying real hard. my apologies if it may seem otherwise.
Bester said:People are getting all wound up over a toy, thats aimed at kids?
I mean, I can understand it at the LitterBox forum, afterall, it's a bit over their heads there, but here? Man, I thought folks here were a bit smarter than that.
Fraud busting, a kids fantasy product. O.K.
Since this one has now been completely busted, lets move on to the PowerRangers Action Gear shall we? That too might put some poor kid in a position to have fun, maybe generate an interest in the arts, and possibly put him in a stripmall school someday. We should stop it now.
I call for a ban on all stores carrying any martial toys. WalMart, ToysRUs and where ever the braintrust at LitterLand shops. Who's with me?
i'm there man. agreed 100%. it almost seems that we, as martial artists, take our protection of said practice a little too far. people need to lighten up a little. of all things to be critical of the martial arts world, this is certainly low on my list of priorities.
Technopunk said:And if even one gets his *** kicked becuase of it? Does that justify it as well?
Lets paint a scenario... your "one kid" joins a dojo. My "one kid" gets beat up... everyone around him, not knowing his black belt came from the toy, all think martial arts are fake and stupid and useless.
Who wins?
this could apply to alot of things. how about we ban all books relating to the martial arts in school libraries as well. it's a toy, take it at face value. ever read the fine print description of most video games? things like "rid the world of evil, overthrow rogue governments, wipe out the alien nation of the universe, etc..." rather misleading is it not? i mean, to lead children to believe such feats lie in their hands. let's ban them as well.
is it the whole black belt idea...? perhaps we should stop worshiping the idea of "attaining black belt mastery", then maybe we wouldn't get so offended over such petty things.
Bob Hubbard said:If we banned everything that gets kids asses kicked...childhood would be real boring.
I see "lil ninja" kits with plastic swords, stars and masks all the time. Should those be pulled as well?
It's the parents responsibility to guide the kids, and keep them from "going too far". It's why wrestling has the "Dont try this at home" warning.
i applaud your sense of reasoning. that actually makes sense.
Technopunk said:Bottom line, you may WANT to see it as that, but this product is NOT... it is DEFINATELY marketing itself as THE REAL THING. BOTTOM LINE.
and i thought i was a ninja turtle when i was 9 yrs old. but i grew out of it, imagine that.
SS said:I guess I'd need to view the material and see if they offer some weird kind of certificate or something. The scary thing is (since we talked about IQ and parenthood before) some adults actually think of it as cheap karate lessons - puts a whole new meaning to "WMA" - that would be ... Walmart Martial Arts.
i am almost tempted to buy the thing just to offer some sort of review, just for those reasons you've stated. but on the other hand, i can see this product for what it's worth and could hardly justify such purchase to my bride. i sincerely believe she would think i've lost my mind.
worse things have happened to the MA community. we shouldn't lose our grasp of reality in the process.
happy trails...