Coming soon to your home: Your Own McDojo!

mrhnau said:
Rope real bulls? As a parent, are you actually watching what your child is doing? If so, what are you doing taking your child to a ranch, getting him a rope and pointing him to the biggest bull?

Telling your kid to go beat up the local bully? If you are telling that to your kid, then you've got some serious issues. MrH
Im not a parent, but I know from experience that more than enough of them turn thier kids loose with no supervision.

I was being sarcastic about telling your kid to beat up the bully... but unfortunatly I could SEE it going down that way in the schoolyard.

Let me give you a more real world example, because, again, I am not against the "TOY" I am against the training its providing and the claims its making.

Assuming I ever have kids, I would buy my kid a Ninja costume. I would get him/her a plastic sword an shuriken... no worries. I WOULDNT sit him doown in front of my Hatsumi DVDs and say "There ya go sport, you can be a real ninja now" which is basically what the claims this toy are making now, except with the term "Karate Master" as opposed to ninja.
mrhnau said:
I used to watch this show every Saturday. Kung Fu Theatre or something like that. They would jump over buildings, kill an army in 5 minutes, ect. It was great!
Actually, the Kung Fu Theater that I remember had fight scenes that went on for some 30 minutes of pummelling and the fighters kept coming back for more! Even after spewing copious amounts of blood! fond memories...heh heh
Flying Crane said:
Actually, the Kung Fu Theater that I remember had fight scenes that went on for some 30 minutes of pummelling and the fighters kept coming back for more! Even after spewing copious amounts of blood! fond memories...heh heh
Not to change the subject, but did You ever notice in those too, all the fighters must have had serious Hypertension, because the smallest cut made blood spray like it was in a pressure washer?
Technopunk said:
Not to change the subject, but did You ever notice in those too, all the fighters must have had serious Hypertension, because the smallest cut made blood spray like it was in a pressure washer?
LOL! Indeed! My wife watched Kill Bill vol 1 w/ me, and was sickened by the amount of blood. She obviously never watched Kung Fu Theatre ;-)

Also loved that you could kick someone 100 times, and he still is fine. Cut his stomach open and he still fights for 30 more minutes. I was waiting for someones head to get caught off and still they continue fighting :rolleyes: Chicken kung fu? They keep going and going? hehehe

Technopunk said:
Not to change the subject, but did You ever notice in those too, all the fighters must have had serious Hypertension, because the smallest cut made blood spray like it was in a pressure washer?
Now THAT'S fightin', baby! YEEE-HAHHH!!!
Ya I saw this at walmart and was appauled. It looks more like Twister with a bag than anything. A new item for all McDojos! I'd like a McFlurry:) M&Ms:p
We outta start writing letters! Tommy Nitro? What are his qualifications and his lineage? Time in grade? Rank? Dates of ranks? Frankly I'm curious.
t looks more like Twister with a bag than anything.

We joked about that in class once...Takewon Do Twister. Do it in pairs "Left hand...face...Right hand....ribs" and see who would get the strike in first...
an article/ review of this item at bullshido...

it sounds alot like what is being said here, which in itself, is sad because i thought we were all smarter than that. it's a friggin toy people. recommended age is 3 & up. think about that for a sec.

i guess this whole ruckus is about the "black belt" and "become a karate master" idea. who gives a damn. we've got a handful of worthless people who frequent this forum that wear black belts and call themselves masters; and yet we don't seem to mind them.

if this "toy" insprires even one kid to join a MA studio, then it's served it's purpose.

and all along i thought MT had a strict policy against fraud busting. well, when you can find the same content here as you do that cess-pool would appear not.
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Please keep the conversation polite and respectful. :asian:

MT Moderator
People are getting all wound up over a toy, thats aimed at kids?

I mean, I can understand it at the LitterBox forum, afterall, it's a bit over their heads there, but here? Man, I thought folks here were a bit smarter than that.

Fraud busting, a kids fantasy product. O.K.
Since this one has now been completely busted, lets move on to the PowerRangers Action Gear shall we? That too might put some poor kid in a position to have fun, maybe generate an interest in the arts, and possibly put him in a stripmall school someday. We should stop it now.

I call for a ban on all stores carrying any martial toys. WalMart, ToysRUs and where ever the braintrust at LitterLand shops. Who's with me?

Next: Examining the MartialArts of ScoobyDoo and it's damaging effects on the industry.
Sapper6 said:
if this "toy" insprires even one kid to join a MA studio, then it's served it's purpose.
And if even one gets his *** kicked becuase of it? Does that justify it as well?

Lets paint a scenario... your "one kid" joins a dojo. My "one kid" gets beat up... everyone around him, not knowing his black belt came from the toy, all think martial arts are fake and stupid and useless.

Who wins?
If we banned everything that gets kids asses kicked...childhood would be real boring.

I see "lil ninja" kits with plastic swords, stars and masks all the time. Should those be pulled as well?

It's the parents responsibility to guide the kids, and keep them from "going too far". It's why wrestling has the "Dont try this at home" warning.
Bob Hubbard said:
If we banned everything that gets kids asses kicked...childhood would be real boring.
I understand that... and Im SERIOUSLY not against the punching bag and dress up gi... Just the DVD and Claims of Karate mastership... somthing repeatedly ignored by the folks posting to this thread saying "Its a toy, if your gonna ban it lets ban blah blah blah..."

Believe me, Im all for "Dress up" and "make believe"

Bottom line, you may WANT to see it as that, but this product is NOT... it is DEFINATELY marketing itself as THE REAL THING. BOTTOM LINE.
I see your point, but I also see Tae-Bo marketed as a self-defence art. There's marketing hype, and then theres intellegent research. Smart folks will read past the hype. The dumb ones...well...
Bob Hubbard said:
I see your point, but I also see Tae-Bo marketed as a self-defence art. There's marketing hype, and then theres intellegent research. Smart folks will read past the hype. The dumb ones...well...
Yeah and Tae Bo is stupid on that level too!
I guess I'd need to view the material and see if they offer some weird kind of certificate or something. The scary thing is (since we talked about IQ and parenthood before) some adults actually think of it as cheap karate lessons - puts a whole new meaning to "WMA" - that would be ... Walmart Martial Arts.
If kids fall for it, well, they are just kids.
If their parents fall for it, well, maybe the herd needed thinning.