Combination Vs Single shot


Yellow Belt
By no means am i trying to portray cockyness or arrogance.
just stating the truth.

My instructors always tell me use your combination's and what not.
and for the most part i do when the time is right which to me
is only when the opponent is off balance going backwards.
so i rarely use them with really good opponents especially one who are as fast as me.
But then hes always saying don't be afraid to miss..
And my thing is im so picky with my kicks
that when i throw one i don't miss...

Ive been in doing taekwondo for 5 years now
and ive won every tournament iv ever been in except 1
So my dilemma to what degree should i
use my combination's cause i want just belive him
and use them more but he loses every tournament he goes enters in
and im not trying to follow that.
Well, we do combinations.

Lots of them.

The point is, you are getting yourself used to doing more than one thing.

You can use the combo to feign an attack, or hit multible targets.

If you point spar with no electronic gear, your chances of getting the score go up.

You get good enough at combos, you can also alter your technique in mid delivery.

you use on hit though, you are expecting to be successful with one hit. fine if you score a ko, but you are up the creek without the paddle should you miss. It gives your opponent the chance to adjust his plan and counter.
By no means am i trying to portray cockyness or arrogance.
just stating the truth.

My instructors always tell me use your combination's and what not.
and for the most part i do when the time is right which to me
is only when the opponent is off balance going backwards.
so i rarely use them with really good opponents especially one who are as fast as me.
But then hes always saying don't be afraid to miss..
And my thing is im so picky with my kicks
that when i throw one i don't miss...

Ive been in doing taekwondo for 5 years now
and ive won every tournament iv ever been in except 1
So my dilemma to what degree should i
use my combination's cause i want just belive him
and use them more but he loses every tournament he goes enters in
and im not trying to follow that.
Do as your instructor tells you. It took me years to get out of the one big shot mentality myself; so, I feel your pain.
For me it's hard to reconcile your first statement with your tag line at the bottom about the Lopez's. Does that represent who you are?

We too use combinations a lot--they open scoring opportunities and are harder to counter if your balance and timing are good. Spend some time watching international matches on the internet--and watch for combos vs. single kicks.

The ability to win matches and the ability to coach/teach are not the same, so judging one by the other is probably a mistake.

I hope you are able to enter some higher level contests and stretch beyond your strengths. Winning seldom teaches as much as losing.

Best wishes in your training,
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KingTKD ket me just say this what have you won? Because as of now you sound like an arrogant kid, sorry but 5 years and you believe you are the best. Where do you compete please list events and actual tournament record, I should know you if you are a bigtime player and sorry I do not. Have you ever fought any of the lopezs to call them a wissy? I surelt doubt it. Where you at the US Open, National, World Games any International events?

As far as combinatiob goes they are used to keep your opponet off balance and guessing what is coming next, but then again you are a one kuck wonder like you said never lost in five years, that makes you better than every single fighter in the history of tournament sparring. Please go up and read your post before making blank statementds, anytime you are in Texas please stop by and honor us with such greatness.

One last thing it say Junior BB in your profile so does that mean under 15, because the KKW calls them a poom BB and if you are 15 or older it is consider a Dan. I am assuming you are doing WTF sparring because you are tashing the Lopezs, One last thing if you are 14-17 and beaten everybody how come you are not fighting 18-32 so you can get the proper people to fight?
With the LaJust crap, I have not seen a lot of multi kick combos count for lots of points. For the most part, they have just resulted in the attacker getting tired faster.

That being said, if your coach wants you to throw combos then throw them. In the meantime, I guess I have an advantage here over some, in that I do know your name (S.D.) and up until you started posting here, I have never heard of you and I have been involved in and followed the National and International Sport TKD scene for about as long as you say you have been doing TKD and there are many others here that have been around it for much longer. To my knowledge you have never competed at anything greater than some small local events, such as the Golden State Open on 3/27. Perhaps you will be at this weekend's Gold Cup in Lancaster because I don't see your name on the list for Fresno this weekend.

In the mean time, please fill us in on the details of your TKD fighting record. What events, when and who you beat. I have searched Hang A Star and I don't see any record of you having fought at any USAT event, at least not in the past year.

I withdraw my recommendation please don't contact Team X...

I don't think that you would fit!!!

Good luck in your TKD career!!!!

Sorry Charles...
Well local tournaments really don't count for much. I watched the vid you posted and I am telling you now that you would be shutout by any average national competitor.

Just keep training and listen to your coach/instructor. He does know more than you and his competition level is way beyond yours. So just because he loses and you don't, really does not mean much as the levels are so different.
Well, we do combinations.

Lots of them.

The point is, you are getting yourself used to doing more than one thing.

You can use the combo to feign an attack, or hit multible targets.

If you point spar with no electronic gear, your chances of getting the score go up.

You get good enough at combos, you can also alter your technique in mid delivery.

you use on hit though, you are expecting to be successful with one hit. fine if you score a ko, but you are up the creek without the paddle should you miss. It gives your opponent the chance to adjust his plan and counter.
What she said.

I do much less taekwondo now than I used to, but our school has a fairly robust TKD program, so I get pulled in.

Combos keep you moving and keep your opponent focused on trying to figure out what you are going to do next. Use combos to control the fight, not to rack up a ton of points. In controlling the fight, you inevitably set up your opponent so that you can then deliver the blows that count.

By the way, King, is it really necessary to call the Lopez family trash in your signature? I mean I have read some of the negative criticism of them and agree with some of it, but to say that they are trash is going a bit far.

Judges don't always see the "one big strike;" like everyone else, they sneeze, blink, or get distracted. Combos are good insurance.
By no means am i trying to portray cockyness or arrogance.
just stating the truth.

My instructors always tell me use your combination's and what not.
and for the most part i do when the time is right which to me
is only when the opponent is off balance going backwards.
so i rarely use them with really good opponents especially one who are as fast as me.
But then hes always saying don't be afraid to miss..
And my thing is im so picky with my kicks
that when i throw one i don't miss...

Ive been in doing taekwondo for 5 years now
and ive won every tournament iv ever been in except 1
So my dilemma to what degree should i
use my combination's cause i want just belive him
and use them more but he loses every tournament he goes enters in
and im not trying to follow that.

Well my two cents here, do what you are confortanle at. I am not as quick than before, I am a little slow and used to do alot of combos on kyorugi and missed a lot, for example of combos consisted of three or four kicks most of them never reach target, and I was runing out my gass doing little damage so I figured at I am better at counteratack so now I feint more and wait till my oponent launches at me in that moment I do my counter using my legs or hands and that's when I score.

So now maybe I don't use many combos but reserve my gas for the counters and when I atack I only do it using two or maybe three but don't chase my oponents.

The way I look at it is that against even mediocre competiion, that single shot is not likely to score a KO. Even with electronic scoring, a combo sets up the chnace to score. for example, severl blasts to the hogu bring down the gaurd and open up the head.

more importantly, combos makle for good defense. As long as you foot is flying at your opponenet, they have to do something about that. that will keep them from mounting much of an offense. You throw one shot, hit or miss, a half decent fighter is going to mmediately counter. if you're already into another atack that counter stands a lesser chance of scoring than it does if your just standing there flat-footed.

So now maybe I don't use many combos but reserve my gas for the counters and when I atack I only do it using two or maybe three but don't chase my oponents.


Even counters are a combo: Block and attack...

A lot of the success sparring has to do with timing. And that can be influenced and controlled with multible techniques.