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I'm assuming something happened via pm, or outside of MT... there seemed to be a very odd but quick escalation, and both of them seemed to be referencing things that i didn't see anywhere.

No, no PMs or messages. References are British ones known to most here. Let me know which ones you didn't understand and I will 'translate'.
I am curious though why he referenced the RAF because I'm sure that while most people who have been here a while know I'm ex RAF he didn't. The 'lumpy jumpy' comment is an anti military female insult.
My best guess is that he realised he knows who I am, thinks I know who he is and is either wanted by the police for something or has said he's something he's not. We had one of those a while back, a female came on telling she'd been hurt at a fight night without medical treatment etc etc it was quite horrific, was training at a gym I know etc. She got quite into how badly treated she was etc and starting on about being in the army doing things a female wouldn't. I did some asking around and found out she was a chap who hung around the gym dressed in a woman's crop top and shorts being a pain. The chap whose gym it was who 'she' said had set her up with the fight was furious, came on here to set the record straight.
If you mean that little tiff with @Tez3 then really, that's nowt.

Look at the discussions I've had with her :D

Just Put her on ignore, that's what I did and everything has been much better, even the weather improved and Chelsea won the game cup, CANt recommend it enough

Tez is like our resident version of basic training. Not everyone makes it through, but those who do become men.(even the women)
Neither she knows me or I know her ...

I am what I claim lol I am not wanted by the police in anyway lol I just have a distrust for the modern ones as well most are not like they should be ...all by the book and no common sense. As far as the anti-female comment that was a very very common reference when I was employed by her Majesty and the 150 provost comp ref is to Catterick are at least that is where they were I am surprised that mention was not made of the garrison at Colchester lol that is or was 156 provost Company

The avatar gave the clue and the jumping on what I said lol...

I also have a very healthy dislike for the RAF and that I really do have good reason for which I have no intention of making public
" they should be...all by the book and no common sense."

Hmmm! Am I confused are you saying you want police to not use common sense?

Then why even bring that up in public forum?
No...i think hes suggesting they shouldnt be by the book...either way it doesnt make sense.
" they should be...all by the book and no common sense."

Hmmm! Am I confused are you saying you want police to not use common sense?

I was no more than clearing up references. ....if the lady wishes to know what that is then I will tell her directly. IIt seems to have caused a bit of debate and I fail to see why and all the assumptions made are as the word assume should be taken lol

Then why even bring that up in public forum?
No...i think hes suggesting they shouldnt be by the book...either way it doesnt make sense.

What does not make sense ...are you requiring an oxford description of the above ??? I am sorry and do beg forgiveness that I do not have the command of the English Language I should have and that my grammar is somewhat lacking
Neither she knows me or I know her ...

I am what I claim lol I am not wanted by the police in anyway lol I just have a distrust for the modern ones as well most are not like they should be ...all by the book and no common sense. As far as the anti-female comment that was a very very common reference when I was employed by her Majesty and the 150 provost comp ref is to Catterick are at least that is where they were I am surprised that mention was not made of the garrison at Colchester lol that is or was 156 provost Company

The avatar gave the clue and the jumping on what I said lol...

I also have a very healthy dislike for the RAF and that I really do have good reason for which I have no intention of making public

So, basically you saw the RAF bit and developed a complete antipathy to me so now I'm your deadly enemy? WOW.

Repeating an anti female epithet isn't big, clever or funny.

150 are still at Catterick, I don't know any other RMP units, 150 are our local unit. We had one of them train with us, he bit one of the other martial arts students he was grappling with which tells you everything you need to know about them

I also have a very healthy dislike for the RAF and that I really do have good reason for which I have no intention of making public

No...i think hes suggesting they shouldnt be by the book...either way it doesnt make sense.

I think he's suggesting that police officers are trying to do things legally and they shouldn't. They should be clipping little kids around the ear, fitting up people to cut the crime figures and pushing people downstairs to get confessions as he seems to think they did 'back in the day'.

Interesting that he can't resist just popping back to post again...… and again. :rolleyes:
" they should be...all by the book and no common sense."

Hmmm! Am I confused are you saying you want police to not use common sense?

Then why even bring that up in public forum?
there a certain,amount of all ganging up on the new guy here, leave him alone for pities sake, he only suggested the police,are,all petty jobsworth that fit people up and the only thing wrong with that is he,should have,said most are petty jobs worths who fit people up, one or two are ok
Tez is like our resident version of basic training. Not everyone makes it through, but those who do become men.(even the women)

I've lived in Yorkshire now for over 30 years and have been infected with the bluntness and plain speaking of the folks here. 'Say what you mean and mean what you say'. If you don't stand up for yourself here you will be squashed, this is ferret legging country after all. My husband is Yorkshire born, so I've had this for 43 years now. He's ex RAF Regiment so I imagine my new little friend will run screaming from the room in terror.

If someone slags off something and you consider it unfair, untrue and a load of bollocks it would be craven not to defend something you happen to believe in. I did that and I won't apologise. No police force or any other organisation is without its bad apples and its faults but to paint every single hardworking and well intentioned police officer in the way he did needs rebuffing. Simples.
go read what I just sent you lol

No thank you. I don't read unsolicited PMs from people who call me anti female names. Besides as an old ex Para shift partner of mine used to say if you are looking for sympathy you should remember it comes between sh!t and syphilis in the dictionary, that will be an expression I believe you will remember.

I thought you were leaving.
Ok if you wish to keep this going then carry on ok and if you are unable to take barrack talk then do not quote it ...and the cherry berry's ok is that supposed to make you more legit ...??? do you have pegasus ??? if not do not quote from people that do ...
Dear op,
A moderator can close your account if need be just ask. You can always just be banned too. Unfortunately, the forums of martial talk have changed so drastically. Equally could be said about martial planet, e budo, bullshido. Point is, this place doesn't care, Bob sold it off many years ago and it's run by folks who really don't do martial arts or care to which is why advertising is alot heavier than 18 years ago.
here more barrack room quotes (scuttlebutt to any cousins)

You a mushroom then ....(requires the dark to grow)

Are are you a P O R G (person of restricted growth)

you want this in the open then go for it ....just you go for it

and don't quote company names unless you actually do know ok ...

and for any others Catterick is not the home of the RMP it is a Garrison and the Home now of the Scots Gaurds among others
oh and the RAF regiment were and are know as the Rock apes very good at guarding the airfields but little else ...on know I mis speak they do drill as well lol.... run in fear I would think not lol

If I get banned ok it matters not ....
Yorkshire Folks are not all like that just some lol...

And yes I do know my wife (yes my second wife as the first one was killed stateside) is from Yorkshire and North Yorkshire to boot lol before that is jumped on lol
What does not make sense ...are you requiring an oxford description of the above ??? I am sorry and do beg forgiveness that I do not have the command of the English Language I should have and that my grammar is somewhat lacking
Im just confused about why you would want LEO to not be by the book.
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