Clip on WMD issue

Originally posted by hardheadjarhead



Steve that the cat is officially out of the bag, and there are no WMD's, people SHOULD be pissed off that we were all lied to, and people whould vote Bush out of office at the very least.

And...we can expect all sorts of stuff out there like this until this happends.
Funny thing is though, a lot of folks think GW went after SoDumb because he was behind 9/11.

GW won't lose. The Dems really don't have anyone charismatic enough to counter him, plus, theres the "Shiny Object" factor.

Late Oct/ Early Nov. they'll find Osama, or something "really Big" will happen and people (most of who have 5 minute attention spans) will forget all about the WMD stuff. Maybe it'll be the Syrian or Iranian invasions. Maybe the Canadian Invasion. Who knows.

GW lied. Powel Lied. Rice Lied.
No one cares.
Most of em can't even remember the name of the other guy from the last election.

Sorry, just feelin very sceptical of my fellow Americans at the moment.
I think that most people, including many republicans are not happy with GW, and depending on who makes it past the primaries, I think GW has a good chance of goin' down hard. Thats just my opinion!

Sorry, just feelin very sceptical of my fellow Americans at the moment.

Too much fatalism, Bob...I'm seeing it everywhere.

People are convinced that he's going to win. He'll lose if people talk about his gaffs...and not just the WMD's. He has a rich history of ignorant comments, ridiculous legislation, waffling, name it.

The guy is just empty. He's full of pithy platitudes about leadership, and unifying the country and fighting "terr" (somewhere in the ether are countless lost 'or's). But then he produces nothing of value.

If people want him to lose, they need to lambast him and quit giving up. Its just like in the stories, Mr. Frodo...there's good left in the world, and its worth fighting for.


The WMD bobbing and weaving is funny as hell, if you're in the right mood...but for sheer giggles, there's Dubya's new budget.

According to NPR, the new federal budget runs a 400 billion deficit. It increases spending on "homeland security,"(I still say I've seen too many sf books and movies, all the way back to Sinclair Lewis, where the establishment of some, "Dept. of Homeland Security," is one Bad Sign), cuts the USDA and EPA by 7-10%.

Not included in the budget, for reasons yet to be explained, is any of the spending for the war in Iraq.

Then they ran a clip of our President saying, "Well, if the economy improves the deficits won't be a problem."

Oh, and out here Arnold's taking a bit of heat for at least two serious violations of serious campaign promises about financing his campaign.
The moneys not in the budget because its in the budget. Once passed, it will be 'reallocated' due to new 'emergencies'.

The plan is, 4 more years of Bush. By then, things will really be in the crapper. A democrat will get the job, have to -really- **** the taxpayers to even dent things, and result in another 8 years of facist rule. Thats if after this election there are any more.

Remember, in a state of emergency, due-process is suspendable under the terms of Martial-Law.

Any government willing to use conventional and /or chemical weapons against its own citizens can, and will do just that.

Kent State.
Ruby Ridge.

Go back to sleep lost the war years ago.
Originally posted by hardheadjarhead
Too much fatalism, Bob...I'm seeing it everywhere.

People are convinced that he's going to win. He'll lose if people talk about his gaffs...and not just the WMD's. He has a rich history of ignorant comments, ridiculous legislation, waffling, name it.

The guy is just empty. He's full of pithy platitudes about leadership, and unifying the country and fighting "terr" (somewhere in the ether are countless lost 'or's). But then he produces nothing of value.

If people want him to lose, they need to lambast him and quit giving up. Its just like in the stories, Mr. Frodo...there's good left in the world, and its worth fighting for.



Remember you can't trust polls or media exposeure. Look at what happened to Dean. People don't always follow the media's opinion. Dean went from front runner to barely surviving in one caucus. The public is fickle and often suprising.