Props to the City Manager for doing the right thing. Great photo of him behind his desk in a suit (and another of him in the ring putting the hurt on someone).
Reed had just left the store about 3:40 p.m. with his 16-year-old daughter and was getting into his car when he heard her say, “Get him daddy.” He looked behind his car and saw Wade, a 6-foot-3, 200-pound man about 15 yards away, throwing his 19-year-old girlfriend to the ground.
Reed told police that at first he thought the two were playing around but then he saw the man hit the young woman at least twice in the face with his fist. Reed said the punches were hard enough that he could hear the impact, and the woman was trying to escape her boyfriend's grasp but he wouldn't let go.
According to Reed, he yelled at the man and started to run towards him. At first, Reed said, the man took an aggressive stance, but as Reed -- who's 5-foot-10 and 210 pounds -- neared, he took off across the parking lot. Reed gave chase and pushed him to the ground, where he held him with a knee in the man's belly and arm raised as a threat until police arrived.