MA-1, Mugger-0

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
I am a CMA/TMA guy, but I do believe that MA for sports is just as good thing as TMA. Here is something that was told to me by the father of the woman I am talking about here. I am not going to give out the names or the city in which this took place, just know it is a very big city.

A young woman that fights Sanshou, and does rather well, was going back home after going to the grocery store. She was walking and it was quite late, she was aware of the man walking behind her but since it was a large city she paid little attention. She was holding a bag of groceries in her left hand (by the handle) and talking on the cell phone, which was in her right hand.

The man jump in front of her and grabbed her waist. She hit him in the face with her right and backed him up. She hit him in the face again and knocked him down. He got up and ran away. She did not damage the cell phone, even though she had it in her had every time she hit him, nor did she drop the bag of groceries.

She did report it to the police, but the guy was not found.

She trains Sanshou for ring fighting and it worked pretty well in the street in this case.

My belief is that both Sport or Traditional can work in a real situation if you train and train them well.
Thanks for sharing! I bet he was surprised, she probably looked like a perfect victim, on the phone, other hand occupied, then WHAM!!! Whenever I am walking at night by myself I always hold my keys in my right hand so there is a key between every finger, I bet a punch like that would leave a mark.
It's great to see that she was able to stop her attacker, and not have any injuries of her own. I hope they catch the scum bag that attacked her.

I certainly agree, that "sports" martial arts can stop an attacker just as well as TMA or MMA, just as long as the practitioner keeps it practical, and efficient, while keeping in mind that brawling and ring fighting have different mindsets.
What some see as sport like trophies -forms-ring fights.They dont understand that Martial arts,Be it ring or street is still Martial arts.Now some took out the combat for point & ways to tone down sparring ect.Some kept it in like Sabaki-Thaiboxing-kickboxing ect,It always great to hear how some one used their skills in a live situation.This put to sleep some of the claims, for those who dont beleave it can go that distance (even in todays wide perspective of Sport Martial Arts.)Great post.
tkd_jen said:
Thanks for sharing! I bet he was surprised, she probably looked like a perfect victim, on the phone, other hand occupied, then WHAM!!! Whenever I am walking at night by myself I always hold my keys in my right hand so there is a key between every finger, I bet a punch like that would leave a mark.
It certainly would, on your fingers if nowhere else... :uhyeah:
Xue Sheng said:
My belief is that both Sport or Traditional can work in a real situation if you train and train them well.
Yeah, I saw a video on Google a while back saying that MAists are typically over trained and unprepared for a street situation. What bugged me about it was that was the only claim made, and it's a claim that only holds up if a school neglects to teach/train awareness and a SD mentality. It's well and good to puffily state that all branches of one MA or another are inadequate, but when the solution is to simply give students another mental gear aside from neutral in such situations...
Xue Sheng said:
I am a CMA/TMA guy, but I do believe that MA for sports is just as good thing as TMA. Here is something that was told to me by the father of the woman I am talking about here. I am not going to give out the names or the city in which this took place, just know it is a very big city.

A young woman that fights Sanshou, and does rather well, was going back home after going to the grocery store. She was walking and it was quite late, she was aware of the man walking behind her but since it was a large city she paid little attention. She was holding a bag of groceries in her left hand (by the handle) and talking on the cell phone, which was in her right hand.

The man jump in front of her and grabbed her waist. She hit him in the face with her right and backed him up. She hit him in the face again and knocked him down. He got up and ran away. She did not damage the cell phone, even though she had it in her had every time she hit him, nor did she drop the bag of groceries.

She did report it to the police, but the guy was not found.

She trains Sanshou for ring fighting and it worked pretty well in the street in this case.

My belief is that both Sport or Traditional can work in a real situation if you train and train them well.

Good to hear that she had success!! I'm sure the attacker was thinking he had an easy target considering her hands were full at the time.

NOw that is a great story and yes sport fighting can help on the street if you are prepared.
I've heard the same things said about TKD - but here's what happened to a friend of mine one night (he was a 1st Dan BB at the time).

My friend left the Y where class was held, heading for a parking lot a few blocks away. He had a briefcase in one hand, and a gym bag in the other. He saw two men in front of him on the street he was walking up. One of the men approached him and asked if he had any change; he said no. The man then asked if he had a dollar; again, no. The man then said something like "Oh, yeah? Well, then, give me everything you've got" while cocking his fist preparatory to a punch; his friend, in the meantime, had been moving to the rear of my friend. My friend kicked the first guy once, under the chin; he was unconscious before he hit the ground. His friend mysteriously vanished (go figure)... but just remember, TKD doesn't really work.:rolleyes::idunno:
Kacey said:
heading for a parking lot a few blocks away. He had a briefcase in one hand, and a gym bag in the other. He saw two men in front of him on the street he was walking up. One of the men approached him and asked if he had any change; he said no. The man then asked if he had a dollar;

Note: If you are by yourself and 2 guys approach you and one asks for anything at all, the time, money, gum, directions, etc. Chances are they are about to mug you. It does not matter if it is day or night, and if one starts to move behind you, it is about to happen. This was the preferred trick the day after state payday in my area.

We use to have to tell people to watch out for this scenario all the time back in my state security days.

It was tried on me once, but no MA was necessary. I was in full uniform, just walked an employee to her car, it was about 9:00pm, I stopped in the middle of the street I was in, after being asked for the time, and kept close watch on both of them, put my hand on the old 4-c mag light and said no, even though the guy that asked looked directly at my watch, they both left.

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