Circle of Doom

Dominic Jones

Orange Belt
First, thanks for your replies to Striking Serpents Head.

Now Circle of doom

Circle of Doom (Front- Right Step-Through Front Kick)
1. An attacker at 12 o'clock comes at you with a right step-through front kick.

2. From a right neutral bow facing 12 o'clock, with your right arm hang naturally. Pivot into a right reverse bow as you execute a right inward downward (palm down) block in and up against your attacker's right leg. Continue to circle your right arm clockwise into a right extended outward block as you force your attacker's leg out.

3. Immediately execute a right rear heel hook to your attacker's groin.

4. Plant your right foot as a gauging leg and execute a left spinning hook kick up to your attacker's head.

5. Land in a left front crossover and cross out to 4:30.

(Copied from thankyou)

Well I like this technique but... The first move involves blocking/deflecting a kick. I feel that the stance change from neutral to reverse bow is insufficient to get the target (my body) out of the line of attack.

What do you think?:asian:
It works for me ... and I have a lot of body to fade back. Maybe the depth of penetration of the kick is such that you cannot redirect the kick while it is still inbound and you are able to deal with their ankle/shin area.

Of note - the hook kick to the head is not "up" for me, as the effect of the vertical heel kick to the groin affects height. LOL, they are bent over to some degree from the impact compromising height and naturally width and depth. I have actually used this one... and was spinning into the hook kick when I noticed they were on their hands and knees. It seemed like overkill to kick them again, besides there were witnesses.

Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
I haven't worked this technique before. It sounds cool.

It says on your profile 2nd Black. Is this a Kenpo rank or something else because this technique is green for us and you say you haven't worked it yet?

Have a great Kenpo day

Originally posted by Dominic Jones

I feel that the stance change from neutral to reverse bow is insufficient to get the target (my body) out of the line of attack.

What do you think?:asian:

I begin this technique from a natural standing position and then step back into stance. I find that this moves the target far enough to get it out of the way.

Noting that the depth of a front kick can vary depending on how an attacker kicks (eg. launching into it) you may find it useful to shuffle back with the stance change in order to get out of the way.

I find that this technique works well with Intellectual Departure which begins in a similar way against a right front kick.
Intellectual Departure and Circle of Doom

If the kick is below the waist, Intellectual Departure seems more appropriate. For a kick a litttle higher you go into Circle of Doom as a What If. I think I will try this in Advanced class on Thursday night and see what works.

Originally posted by Michael Billings
Intellectual Departure and Circle of Doom

If the kick is below the waist, Intellectual Departure seems more appropriate. For a kick a litttle higher you go into Circle of Doom as a What If. I think I will try this in Advanced class on Thursday night and see what works.


Being that most don't get taught Intellectual Departure it's kind of hard to give them a reference for Circle of Doom in Green. There are many ways to approach the theme of these two techniques and I believe Huk calls it Category Completion. ID works on the inside of the body where COD works on the backside. You can also tie them in the Family Group as they have the same Mother/Father movements. You can also categorize them as evolutionized movements such as Scraping Hoof/Repeated Devastation/Twirling Sacrifice. In other wordswhen the situation gets just a bit different there's a built in what if in the system with another technique at a different level. Personally, if the kick it groin and below I do a shin block for ID, above the waist, either tech. will work well.

Have a great Kenpo day

Why the kick to the head at the end? Not only does it expose you way too much for my taste, but it encourages bad body mechanics in the spinning hook kick. Instead, I'd argue for what I was taught: a hook that comes up the angle of the body, contouring along to a target of opportunity such aas groin or solar plexus.

After all, the description of actually executing the tech put the guy on his knees--in which case the head as target sorta makes more sense. But I wouldn't describe it to students as going for the head while they're standing--especially since, at 3rd Brown or so, they should be learning techniques with similar kicks...
Originally posted by ProfessorKenpo
It says on your profile 2nd Black. Is this a Kenpo rank or something else because this technique is green for us and you say you haven't worked it yet?

Have a great Kenpo day

Yet there is no yet. Iv'e seen the technique and worke the first move on occassion but I would not execute the spinnig hook kick nor would I turn into a reverse bow againnst a chargin opponent. We just don't work that technique, no matter what belt level it is taught at.
Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
Yet there is no yet. Iv'e seen the technique and worke the first move on occassion but I would not execute the spinnig hook kick nor would I turn into a reverse bow againnst a chargin opponent. We just don't work that technique, no matter what belt level it is taught at.

Seems to me the mighty Touch "O" Death just can't do it. :(
I agree about the practical application of the technique. Remember the Ideal Phase includes full range of motion and is a nice place to learn the application for a spinning hook.

Now having said that: I do it your way. But I can see several reasons for learning it as written, as one of the stages, or tiers, that techniques progress or evolve through as the skill level of the practitioner increases.

Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
Yet there is no yet. Iv'e seen the technique and worke the first move on occassion but I would not execute the spinnig hook kick nor would I turn into a reverse bow againnst a chargin opponent. We just don't work that technique, no matter what belt level it is taught at.

I could've sworn Circle Of Doom was for a right front roundhouse or front kick not a tackle or charge. I've actually used this technique sparring and I really can't complain, it works perfectly in the ideal phase, I suppose that's why I've got all that silly red on my belt.

Have a great Kenpo day

Originally posted by ProfessorKenpo
I could've sworn Circle Of Doom was for a right front roundhouse or front kick not a tackle or charge. I've actually used this technique sparring and I really can't complain, it works perfectly in the ideal phase, I suppose that's why I've got all that silly red on my belt.

Have a great Kenpo day

If you read the tackle in my response perhaps you are on to somthing with that belt thing. I'm suggesting there are better techs for these kicks. To shuffle kick constitutes a charge to me but your the GM.
Mod Note:

I'm a little late to the party, but, please keep it profesional and on topic.
Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
If you read the tackle in my response perhaps you are on to somthing with that belt thing. I'm suggesting there are better techs for these kicks. To shuffle kick constitutes a charge to me but your the GM.

I read charge and that could refer to many things, didn't know what to take it as. I've never interpreted a shuffle as a charge but I suppose it could be taken that way but we don't teach it for a shuffle kick. I can't figure why you can't or won't do it but I'm certainly not leaving it out of what I teach, I find lots of value in that particular technique. In fact, I've found value in all of them so far, and no, I'm not a grandmaster, just a professor (one big bar + one little one), and you are what rank again?

Have a great Kenpo day

The discussion of who is what rank might be better handled by e-mail rather than in this forum.

-MT Admin-
Originally posted by KenpoDragon


I wouldn't say it was getting interesting - I'd say it was getting off-topic and spiralling down into a 'hollier-than-thou' war.

Not that there is anything of a lasting nature to gain from such a 'Cirlce of Doom'. :asian:
Another use of the circling block (inward downward to outward extended) in Circle of Doom is against a thrusting baton attack.

Against a right thrusting baton attack to the body, use the initial move from Circle of Doom to block at the inside of the opponent's wrist while your left hand pins the weapon to your body (obviously this is better for blunt weapons).

Now as your right hand circles into the extended outward, you can step forward with your left leg to disarm the opponent, gain use of the weapon and end up on the blind side.

I'm sure that anyone that gets that far can work out their own finishes from there.
So--after you junk Circle of Doom, do you also junk Rotating Destruction?

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