Chushin - The Centre Line

It’s not a myth, but I don’t like to talk about it in terms of if x does y I do z. Rather, I want to build reflexive rhythm and develop proprioception. I say it all the time, if you don’t have a foot, there is no punch. Less is more in positioning. If I go wide or telegraph my footwork, that is not as good as taking my opponents space. I look to exploit flaws in my opponents structure and foot placement. Often, it’s possible to lead someone into bad positioning without them realizing what’s happening. It can be small, it should be subtle, most often, if people get too greedy at the table they will gamble on bad positioning to take what appears to be an easier shot. That easy shot is the one I trade for. Most people are fairly predictable in that they have habits. They place a foot a certain way for certain strikes or kicks, they load a shoulder, they guard an old injury, they give up their structure to land a strike, they watch small movements rather than see the big picture, etc etc. Improvised reaction based on observation and position. No need to over complicate it, it’s not that special.
I don't hold any blade or bokuto or shinai level with the navel.
He probably means the tsuka kashira is supposed to be held at about the level of the navel. It always seemed and looked a bit too high for most westerners so some Japanese Kendoka wrote an article suggesting their navels are slightly lower on their abdomens 🙄 It’s more likely due to limb/torso length differences.

We had an Iaidoka (who looked liked Mo from the Simpsons) whose hands dangled by the sides of his knees! 😳 He was a postman so we suggested he could deliver his mail without having to walk up a house’s driveway.
He probably means the tsuka kashira is supposed to be held at about the level of the navel. It always seemed and looked a bit too high for most westerners so some Japanese Kendoka wrote an article suggesting their navels are slightly lower on their abdomens 🙄 It’s more likely due to limb/torso length differences.

We had an Iaidoka (who looked liked Mo from the Simpsons) whose hands dangled by the sides of his knees! 😳 He was a postman so we suggested he could deliver his mail without having to walk up a house’s driveway.
In Japan in education we do twice yearly health checks for students. One of the checks is of course height but they also measure 座高 Zakō (sitting height) I also looked at data comparisons and saw little difference. Just in the legs.
In Japan in education we do twice yearly health checks for students. One of the checks is of course height but they also measure 座高 Zakō (sitting height) I also looked at data comparisons and saw little difference. Just in the legs.
Overall height minus leg length? The length of the torso including thickness of buttocks? Why? 😅
but I feel like getting onto or off of a center line is fundamental to any striking art.
If you think

- you are better than your opponent, you enter through his front door.
- your opponent is better than you, you enter through his side door.

If you defeat your opponent through his

- front door, he will accept his defeat and admits you are better than him.
- side door, he may think you are just lucky.
If you think

- you are better than your opponent, you enter through his front door.
- your opponent is better than you, you enter through his side door.

If you defeat your opponent through his

- front door, he will accept his defeat and admits you are better than him.
- side door, he may think you are just lucky.
There is some truth in this. I think it's usually easier and safer to go offline for your attack. To attack straight into the opponent's centerline requires confidence, strength and more timing. There is less margin for error. But if successful can be more demoralizing.
I rather like this example of moving off the centre line, but it does emphasise the need to properly ‘cover the body’ too as even a slight touch with a blade can be problematic!
Overall height minus leg length? The length of the torso including thickness of buttocks? Why? 😅
Lol, no idea. Mostly they compare figures with the last records. If they don't show the usual growth rate they are recommended to see a doctor.
Lol, no idea. Mostly they compare figures with the last records. If they don't show the usual growth rate they are recommended to see a doctor.
Last time I was in Japan I was amazed at how tall youngsters are these days! It’s only the old, bent-over Mama san who were shorter than me!
If you think

- you are better than your opponent, you enter through his front door.
- your opponent is better than you, you enter through his side door.

If you defeat your opponent through his

- front door, he will accept his defeat and admits you are better than him.
- side door, he may think you are just lucky.
Well to be honest, I don’t care a lick what my opponent may think.
I rather like this example of moving off the centre line, but it does emphasise the need to properly ‘cover the body’ too as even a slight touch with a blade can be problematic!
I don’t know much about swordplay, but obviously I can take a slight or grazing blow from a fist more readily and more often than from a sword.

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