Not it's not clear, as I wasn't, why do this? why assume that a poster is 'upset', I posted a light hearted comment about Paul Revere and some other facts, another poster got upset as he thought I was criticising American education. He has a bee in his bonnet about Europeans who he thinks are saying they know more about the American Civil War than Americans do and really?

did you think I'd not laugh at that and try to disabuse him of that idea.
The problem, as was said on another thread is that people read into others posts what they are feeling. You have no facial expression, no tone of voice to judge yet you think I was upset, you know how I write as much as anyone on here, what on earth would make you think I was 'upset', crying into my tea? Oh that's right a mod decided, and a mod jumped in with that decision so he must be right. perhaps I need to put little smileys after all my sentences to prove I'm not bothered.
And who posts Micheal Palin videos if they are upset?
Really gentlemen, do lighten up.