You can die by bumping into a counter top and having a blood clot go straight to your brain. Death is not the issue, its timing. I think Oyama would have had a different experience if they let two or three Bulls loose after him, but that's beside the point. What can result from Kenpo and what the art essentialy is, are two different things. Any fool can gouge an eye out, or crush a trachea but the art is not about specialized moves. They are simply tactics made more lethal by refined motion. Its like saying foot-ball is all about the occassional compound fracture.
I have the impression that you can't reconcile your personal belief system with the legacy of the art that you practice.
In no way am I suggesting that Kenpoka are killers. I'm stating that kenpo is an art designed to inflict serious injury and possibly death. It wasn't designed primarily as a feel-good, get-in-touch-with-your-inner-child hobby.