don bohrer
Brown Belt
What should a young child to do when an adult tries to take them by trickery of force. They could be in a store or outside, but in any event are seperated from family and guardians.
Lets focus this way, but feel free to add to the questions and scenarios to clarify.
What words should they Yell when aware of the danger?
What actions should they use take to escape before being grabbed or after?
Where should they try to run to if they aren't taken and don't really know where they are?
We've all scene a child in the store crying and throwing a fit. Sometimes even angry, red faced pushing against and adult carrying them. The little ones making so much ruckuss you can't tell really what's going on. Just maybe that kid is in real trouble. We as adults tend to chalk it up thinking there goes a brat or look at them... they didn't get what they wanted.
Lets focus this way, but feel free to add to the questions and scenarios to clarify.
What words should they Yell when aware of the danger?
What actions should they use take to escape before being grabbed or after?
Where should they try to run to if they aren't taken and don't really know where they are?
We've all scene a child in the store crying and throwing a fit. Sometimes even angry, red faced pushing against and adult carrying them. The little ones making so much ruckuss you can't tell really what's going on. Just maybe that kid is in real trouble. We as adults tend to chalk it up thinking there goes a brat or look at them... they didn't get what they wanted.