Chil Sung Ill Lo Hyung - video


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Chil Sung Ill Lo Hyung is the first form on the seven star path created by Tang Soo Do Grandmaster Hwang Kee. These forms teach many things and can be used for self defense. The main aspect that a student works on with this form is Chungle Ryu. Chungle Ryu means "middle school" which is a fancy way of saying balance. The Chil Sung forms are designed to balance the fast and dynamic moves that make up a martial art, with the slower spritual energy moves that underpin it.

Look at this form and comment...

Chil Sung Ill Lo Hyung

upnorthkyosa said:
Chil Sung Ill Lo Hyung is the first form on the seven star path created by Tang Soo Do Grandmaster Hwang Kee. These forms teach many things and can be used for self defense. The main aspect that a student works on with this form is Chungle Ryu. Chungle Ryu means "middle school" which is a fancy way of saying balance. The Chil Sung forms are designed to balance the fast and dynamic moves that make up a martial art, with the slower spritual energy moves that underpin it.

Look at this form and comment...

Chil Sung Ill Lo Hyung


All I remember is that there were two very nice looking women dancing around the ring with carda that read 2 & 3, and I feel at a lost for I could not see "1". ;)

Seriously though.

I am confused.

Other than the standing 8 count the guy in blue gloves how won did stand out inthe fight to win. I mean he was knocked down by body checks, he was knocked down by a few punches during his kicks. I agree nothing to get a standing 8 count. I mean with the two groin shots which should have lost him some points or a point on the scoring. So the first two round would have been even with those losses (* Why where no groin guards worn? *), and then in the third round when the guy in the red gloes got his timing and distance to start knocking him down in the middle of his kicks.

I am missing something here. Just asking for more clarifcation or explanation.


I think you posted that response on the wrong thread. This one is about a hyung we practice in our system. The thread you are refferring to is located here.

upnorthkyosa said:

I think you posted that response on the wrong thread. This one is about a hyung we practice in our system. The thread you are refferring to is located here.


That is what I get for having multiple threads open at once. :(

What is "Seven-star path" supposed to mean anyway? (And don't say because there are seven forms.)

IMP said:
What is "Seven-star path" supposed to mean anyway? (And don't say because there are seven forms.)


Why not? There are seven of them...;)

The seven star path is modeled after the Little Dipper. There are seven stars in that constallation and "the path" they trace leads to the North Star...Polaris. This star has been a guide post for countless people across the globe.
I'm Far from an Expert on the Chil-Sung Hyungs but it look like you were rushing the techniques in the form. and some of the folds didn't look to effective. And I couldn't hear you breathing either. As I found out that the Chil-Sung Hyungs Require alot of breathing. I learned that from a clinic held By KJn Ferraro back in April at our 21st Dan shim Sa..
The very first thing I noticed is you do not look first before you move. try to look,frame,execute. also you are almost in a walking stance instead of front stance. you are leaning forward on some stances. Work on more soft fluid motion then explosive movement, you seem all fire no water.
thats it off the top of my head.
A lot of moves in there that we don't do so it and things we do differently so I can't comment constructively, sorry. I liked it though!
I've never seen that form but I do like the small direction changes in stances.

I also am very impressed with your movement of your spine and hips and your footwork. Everything else will follow from that.


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