Chi Sao City!


Senior Master
Last night we did a class that was nothing but chi sao from beginning to end. This is my biggest weakness in wing chun now because, since I don't go to class much, I don't get to touch hands with anyone. For the first 15-20 minutes, Sifu did chi sao strictly with me, which was a real treat because it makes you see the level you can aspire to reach. At first it was frustrating to me because he absolutely dominated (as you would expect the head instructor to do!), but it made me think to myself, "Damn, have I ever come here before???" However, he made some comments and suggestions that let me know I wasn't doing too bad for not getting much hands-on experience.

Then we switched partners, and I was with someone who hadn't been there for that long. I could immediately feel a difference. I don't know if it was because his lack of experience made it "easier" or if it was because ANYONE is easy to deal with after doing chi sao with Sifu, or if it was because my time with Sifu had "broken" me back in. Either way, as class went on I got more confident in what I was doing.

This was a thrill for me because all I have had to practice are my forms and techniques in the air/on punching bags and so on. To finally get back into the chi sao swing of things was exciting, to say the least.

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