Che Guevara execution anniversary this week


Lifetime Supporting Member
October 9th is the anniversary of the execution of the communist murderer che guevara. Here is an article that discusses the event...

to this author, “you saw there was something seriously, seriously wrong with Che Guevara.” As commander of the La Cabaña execution yard, Che often shattered the skull of a condemned man (or boy) by firing the coup de grace bullet himself. When other duties tore him away from his beloved execution yard, he consoled himself by viewing the slaughter. Che’s second-story office in Havana’s La Cabaña prison had a section of wall torn out so he could watch his darling firing squads at work.

From the man and his ideas...

In a famous speech in 1961, Che denounced the very “spirit of rebellion” as “reprehensible.” “Youth must refrain from ungrateful questioning of governmental mandates,” commanded Guevara. “Instead, they must dedicate themselves to study, work and military service, should learn to think and act as a mass.”
Those who “choose their own path” (as in growing long hair and listening to “Yankee-Imperialist” rock & roll) were denounced as worthless “roqueros,” “lumpen,” and “delinquents.” In his famous speech, Che Guevara even vowed “to make individualism disappear from Cuba! It is criminal to think of individuals!”
I still don't understand how people where this guys face on their t-shirts. I wonder if they have the whole t-shirt collection, you know, stalin, mao, pol pot, hitler, ho chi mihn and the other communist/socialist mass murderers.
I don't wanna start spewing here. But he shouda got worse.

But now he's dead so we can party.
