Charlie Sheen fired from 'Men'


Master Black Belt
May 23, 2006
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San Diego, CA
Did anyone not see this coming after the rants and antics of the last couple of weeks?

“After careful consideration, Warner Bros. Television has terminated Charlie Sheen’s services on “Two and a Half Men” effective immediately,” Warner Bros Television said in a statement.

Can we get a new award for the fastest career self-destruct? Hopefully this will be a wakeup call for him to get some meaningful help... but I doubt it.

Personally, I think this marks the end of the show as well, but they may try to put someone else into the role instead. I think the odds of this being successful are a long shot at best.
Did anyone not see this coming after the rants and antics of the last couple of weeks?

Can we get a new award for the fastest career self-destruct? Hopefully this will be a wakeup call for him to get some meaningful help... but I doubt it.

Personally, I think this marks the end of the show as well, but they may try to put someone else into the role instead. I think the odds of this being successful are a long shot at best.

That's what they said when Michael J. Fox left SPin City, and was replaced by.........Charlie Sheen...
That's what they said when Michael J. Fox left SPin City, and was replaced by.........Charlie Sheen...
Who, by the way, also played Charlie Sheen in the show?! If you want someone to play a boozy, manwhore, Charlie is your man!
Did anyone not see this coming after the rants and antics of the last couple of weeks?

Can we get a new award for the fastest career self-destruct? Hopefully this will be a wakeup call for him to get some meaningful help... but I doubt it.

Personally, I think this marks the end of the show as well, but they may try to put someone else into the role instead. I think the odds of this being successful are a long shot at best.
This was no self destruct, he just got caught in a media **** storm. He has been Charlie Sheen his whole life. We are doing this to him, really.
This was no self destruct, he just got caught in a media **** storm. He has been Charlie Sheen his whole life. We are doing this to him, really.

He has been Charlie Sheen his whole life, but in the past couple of weeks he's been reaching out in all kinds of different media to spread a really interesting "message", including such quotable quotes as the following:

"I am on a drug. It's called Charlie Sheen. It's not available because if you try it once your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body." – to 20/20

"The last time I took drugs I probably took more that anyone could survive. I was banging seven gram rocks because that's how I roll, I have one speed, go. I have a different constitution, a different brain, a different heart. I got tiger blood man." – to 20/20

"I closed my eyes and made it so with the power of my mind, and unlearned 22 years of fiction … the fiction of AA. It's a silly book written by a broken-down fool." – to the Today Show

When he's seeking out the attention, including a live webcast show of incomprehensible nonsense, I'm not sure we can blame the media for this one.
That's what they said when Michael J. Fox left SPin City, and was replaced by.........Charlie Sheen...

Good point, but I don't think they can get him to play this replacement ;)

There are plenty of other shows where they tried to keep going after the star departed, and which were definitively less than successful. An example that leaps to mind is "8 Simple Rules" when they tried to continue after John Ritter's death...
he does kind of have a point about AA though.
its does have as low as a 5-8% success rate depending on what statistics you actually look at..
As long as they keep playing reruns according to the news today he will still get paid millions for sitting on his but and I think his contract states he gets paid for the last 4 episodes regardless??

He is not going to consider changing his attitude until he is broke or in jail.
he does kind of have a point about AA though.
its does have as low as a 5-8% success rate depending on what statistics you actually look at..
Group rehab is tricky business, you all have the same goals, but then again, you have all these new connections and drinking buddies.:)
Oh well, the show is living on borrowed time anyhow. I mean, the 1/2 man is rapidly growing up...
This will go away. Sheen will take a couple of years off, hire a new publicist, and make his way back to the top. He's a talented actor who has managed to function despite his addictions. His problem isn't the habit, it's the hubris - he thought he was indispensible and that he therefore didn't have to play the game of expressing sorrow for his actions and making a token visit to rehab. Now he knows better. Go take a look at Robert Downey Jr's Wiki page, see what he came back from. Sheen is more comedy than tragedy.
This will go away. Sheen will take a couple of years off, hire a new publicist, and make his way back to the top. He's a talented actor who has managed to function despite his addictions. His problem isn't the habit, it's the hubris - he thought he was indispensible and that he therefore didn't have to play the game of expressing sorrow for his actions and making a token visit to rehab. Now he knows better. Go take a look at Robert Downey Jr's Wiki page, see what he came back from. Sheen is more comedy than tragedy.

Likely true... but it will go away with no help from Sheen...he just can't seem to shut up
Likely true... but it will go away with no help from Sheen...he just can't seem to shut up

That's because it's not simply addiction-in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he's been drug-free, or only occasionally using.

These rants are signs of fairly serious mental illness, like manic depression.
That's because it's not simply addiction-in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he's been drug-free, or only occasionally using.

These rants are signs of fairly serious mental illness, like manic depression.

Oh. I have little doubt it is no longer a drug induced rant although they could be a rather large contributing factor of his current issue(s).
Yup! I think he's been clean for weeks - for one thing, he keeps insisting on drug tests on live TV. I know mania when I see it - the grandiosity, the pressured speech, racing around on projects that Push The Envelope into Brave New Worlds at breakneck speed.

That feeling is utterly addictive, which means that it's only going to stop when he crashes into the inevitable depression. Nobody can maintain that pace inevitably, it's utterly exhausting. I hope for his sake that he crashes sooner rather than later, because the longer it goes on the more damage he does to his body, much less his personal finances and his career.
Yup! I think he's been clean for weeks - for one thing, he keeps insisting on drug tests on live TV. I know mania when I see it - the grandiosity, the pressured speech, racing around on projects that Push The Envelope into Brave New Worlds at breakneck speed.

That feeling is utterly addictive, which means that it's only going to stop when he crashes into the inevitable depression. Nobody can maintain that pace inevitably, it's utterly exhausting. I hope for his sake that he crashes sooner rather than later, because the longer it goes on the more damage he does to his body, much less his personal finances and his career.

Exactly so:

"I am on a drug, it's called Charlie Sheen. It's not available because if you try it you will die. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body."

And he'll never go broke, as others have pointed out, with that show and Spin City in syndication, he'll be receiving residuals from them for quite some time to come, and he gets Executive Producer bucks for 2&1/2 Men............

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