O.K., anyone who has seen my photo on here knows that I'm a very thin guy. I'm 6'3'' and a whopping 155-160 lbs. I've been thin all my life and even had to gain several pounds to qualify to join the U.S. Marine Corps. While in boot camp I was on double rations and my first duty station kept me on a special diet and excercise program to gain weight. Nothing has worked. In the past 15 years I've only gained about 20 lbs. Today I was watching a special on Japan on the t.v. and it was mentioned that there was a diet for sumo that is great for packing on weight but still relatively healthy. I know nothing about japanese food except what I've eaten in restaurants. The food is nabe and doesn't (according to what I've been able to dig up) have any set recipes. The point of my post is this... do any of you have personal recipes or access to recipes for nabe?