Chang Hon Taekwon-Do for combat


Purple Belt
Dear All,

I am wondering how you feel about the changes in Chang Hon Taekwon-Do over the years...

Below is a brief questionare of your personal preference!

1. Four Belts vs Six Belts
2. Original Twenty Hyungs vs Twenty Four Tul
3. No Contact Sparring vs Moderate Contact Sparring
4. Traditional Dobok vs "Official ITF Dobok"
5. KoDang...Yes or No
6. Then vs Now

What are your preferences, which are more beneficial, which are more conducent to creating a warrior mindset and ability as relates to combative arts?

Anyone not familiar with Chang Hon Taekwon-Do feel free to ask questions in order to become active in this discussion. All opinions are welcome and requested!


These are a few questions I have incountered within myself over the years and wanted to get your feedback...
Spookey said:
Dear All,

1. Four Belts vs Six Belts
2. Original Twenty Hyungs vs Twenty Four Tul
3. No Contact Sparring vs Moderate Contact Sparring
4. Traditional Dobok vs "Official ITF Dobok"
5. KoDang...Yes or No
6. Then vs Now
1. Doesn't make a whole lot of difference. One can argue that those extra belts help keep interest.
2. No opinion.
3. Continous sparring (vs point sparring) is a skosh more realistic. No contact and med contact are both practiced tho.
4. Prefer the velcro over the crossover personally. Easier to keep arranged.
5. It's still taught in the USTF.
6. No opinion. (No frame of reference)
I can't speak for the ITF since I am not a member. However, change and evolution is inevitable in any organization. It is how it stays fresh and relevant. There really isn't much of a different between 4 and 6 belts. Now, 20 belts would be a BIG difference and a bit suspect. Realize, with the death of Gen. Choi, there will be changes. His absence guarantees this. The question is will these changes help or hurt. Only time will tell.
MichiganTKD said:
I can't speak for the ITF since I am not a member. However, change and evolution is inevitable in any organization. It is how it stays fresh and relevant.
Come to think of it, I think I am a member....I think for $5-10 it was a lifetime membership.

However, as I've not kept up with ITF training, I don't think I can validly compare what I remember the training to be in the 70s with what is happening today.

I do however, agree with MichiganTKD that change and evolution is inevitable, and as an optimist, I am sure the change is progressive rather than regressive.

The belts/the uniforms....these are all pretty peripheral-what's important is the training and the instruction.

Contact and continuous sparring is definitely a more positive change.

Spookey said:
1. Four Belts vs Six Belts
2. Original Twenty Hyungs vs Twenty Four Tul
3. No Contact Sparring vs Moderate Contact Sparring
4. Traditional Dobok vs "Official ITF Dobok"
5. KoDang...Yes or No
6. Then vs Now
1. Doesn't matter.
2. 24 tul
3. Moderate contact. No contact is a total waste of time.
4. I <3 my ITF dobok.
5. Given that the alternative is the North Korean favourite, Juche, I'm gonna have to go with yes.
6. Well given that I only started TKD 3 years ago, I don't really know what 'then' was like...

*feel free to disregard the opinions of a lowly black tag...* :asian:
1. Doesn't matter
2. I am Partial to the original 20, but i guess in the long run it doesn't matter
3. Moderate, leading to full
4. Traditional
5. Yes
6. Then


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