Championship Martial Arts

Deaf Smith

Master of Arts
Guys, have any of you been to the chain of martial arts schoos called, "Championship Martial Arts"?

Looks like Shotokan but I can't find any information as to exactly what style of Japanese martiall arts they teach.


Whereabouts? I suspect that there are probably quite a few "champion" or "championship" martial arts programs around...
Their website says its a blend of Karate and TKD. Doesn't look like they are a JMA school.
Looks like a pretty typical commercial program. Maybe a blend of TKD and some sort of karate.
I think you will learn more of a dance routine than a Martial art there.

A great place for kids they have movie magic week.

I don't know what Karate they teach I have seen here in Miami Karate being used by TKD to attract students so who knows. I think an adult might not find this type of school to their liking.
This chain is owned by Frank Silverman and Mike Metzger. Frank Silverman is the Executive Director of the Martial Arts Industry Association. Not sure about what style they do, but i do know they have the business side down very well.
Then I suspect it is not affiliated with any traditional martial art. That is an old line one back in Korea, Japan, Okinawa or such.
