Chakra Test

Um ... that we don't have the science to build one yet? :D :D :D

Consider that we have the scientific knowledge necessary to build measuring devices to measure all the forms of energy predicted by physics. That is a lot of knowledge and devices. Electricity, heat, magnetism, now even gravity. Occam's razor alone would suggest then that your answer is not the correct one.
RootSacralNavelHeartThroatThird EyeCrown

Root:open(13%)Sacral:open(13%)Navel:open(50%)Heart:under-active(-69%)Throat:open(56%)Third Eye:open(31%)Crown:under-active(6%)
Root: under-active(-6%)
Sacral: open(44%)
Navel: under-active(0%)
Heart: under-active(-19%)
Throat: open(63%)
Third Eye: over-active(69%)
Crown: under-active(-13%)

Oh look, I'm a realist, with a strong imagination.
Root: open (50%)
Sacral: open (25%)
Navel: over-active (75%)
Heart: open (56%)
Throat: open (69%)
Third Eye: over-active (75%)
Crown: open (69%)
Root:open(38%) Sacral:under-active(-56%) Navel:open(31%) Heart:open(31%) Throat:open(44%) Third Eye:open(31%) Crown:open(56%)
It's a pretty complex concept to sort out with 56 questions. But, it was an interesting test... Gives me a place to start thinking about something new

Thanks for the link.
I know of chakras; but, never went into any depth with them.

Here's my results:

Root: open(13%) Grounded
Sacral: open(31%) Feelings flow freely
Navel: under-active(-31%) Passive
Heart: open(25%) Compassionate/friendly
Throat: open(56%) Expressive
Third Eye: under-active(6%) Tend to fantasy
Crown: open(44%) Unpredjudiced, aware

Overall, fairly close.

Thanks, Lisa!~

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