Cats that Nip

I have a cat that likes to suck on the back of the neck. you can be sitting there watching tv and all ov the sudden he will reach over and start to suck on your neck. I call him the vampire cat!!
hong kong fooey said:
I have a cat that likes to suck on the back of the neck. you can be sitting there watching tv and all ov the sudden he will reach over and start to suck on your neck. I call him the vampire cat!!

LOL! Thats awesome! My cat loves to headbutt. The problem is when I'm drinking something, he comes and headbutts the back of my neck :) hehe
Sarah said:
Glad to hear you are making progress :)

Done! He doesn't jump and claw anymore. I have some friends at work who may take him soon. I'll miss him but his friendship requires me to take Benadryl (allergies) every night!
Unfortunately you cant train cats (generally), the are their own being and they will be what they will be. My cat is only affectionate when he is hungry, once he is eaten he wont go near me unless he is tired and wants some where to sleep. I read some where that cats choose to be with us, not the other way around, so if your cat is still there, he obviously chooses to be there! :)
Unfortunately you cant train cats (generally), the are their own being and they will be what they will be. My cat is only affectionate when he is hungry, once he is eaten he wont go near me unless he is tired and wants some where to sleep. I read some where that cats choose to be with us, not the other way around, so if your cat is still there, he obviously chooses to be there! :)
Unfortunately you cant train cats (generally), they are their own being and they will be what they will be. My cat is only affectionate when he is hungry, once he is eaten he wont go near me unless he is tired and wants some where to sleep. I read some where that cats choose to be with us, not the other way around, so if your cat is still there, he obviously chooses to be there! :)