Cat Stevens Deported for "Links to Terrorism"

Im totaly ticked off about this. The Cat man can go where ever he may please!!! This will prove to be a pathetic beurocratic brain fart.
Sean :asian:
This is no different than the several Senators and Congress members that were refused boarding on planes.
I just saw this headline on Yahoo news.

Ex-Pop Star Cat Stevens Deported from U.S.

His only "crime" was making donations to chartiable groups that assisted children that suffered or is suffering from War. I personally find the idea of someone that sends in money to a charity is a Terrorist?

Now the question is what is the intent of one's heart in giving the money? We may never know. But I think the US Government is taking the wrong road on this one. I am saying this kind of treatment is becoming similar to the treatment of our Jewish Brothers and Sister in Europe during the 1930's.
He was forced to leave on the peace train, get it...peace train. Is this on?...I'll be here all week. Try the veal and tip your waitstaff...
hey...we all's a wild world out there...the moonshadow's have disappeared and morning has broken, and the world isn't the same anymore...

god forbid terrorists hijack the peace train with box cutters...because everyone knows the first cut is the deepest..

seriously...i think there are lot bigger threats in this world than cat stevens...
Maybe you're right and Maybe your wrong, I aint going to argue with you no more I done it for to long. He was getting so good; why then? Where did he go? But tell me. Did you really love him, like a freind. You know, you don't have to pretend. It won't happen again ...

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