Abu Ghraib in Passaic, New Jersey?


In a two-part series this week, National Public Radio producer Anne Hawke and reporter Daniel Zwerdling broadcast a story about Detainees of the United States Department of Homeland Security being held by county prisons in New Jersey. At these prisons, these non-citizen detainees were held without access to the court systems.

Guards at the local prisons allegedly used german shepard dogs to terrorize the detainees. Often, these detainees are not being held for any criminal infraction, they are being held for deportation.

The radio reports are approximately 20 minutes. If you have the courage, I submit them here for your review and comments.


The audio is available, as are PDF files of medical reports on the detainees.
...even more violations of international law, human rights, and all that is decent by this nation that I love.

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