cardio workout


Senior Master
Hey, I need to get my cardio ramped up. I've been doing stuff with a jump rope and have taken off for a few weeks.

I'm looking for suggestions for a good cardio routine. I have a jump rope and various sizes of resistance bands.

Mostly I need advice on duration, intervals, combinations or variations, etc...

Put on the sparring gear, and go FULL BLAST on the heavy bag, hands and feet, NO stopping for 3 1 minute rounds, 30 second rest in between rounds. After a week or two, bump it up to 3 2 minute rounds, then 3 3 minute rounds. Make sure and go full blast and you should have amazing cardio! I actually have used this a lot in classes when we work cardio.

I do have available one of those stair steppers like you see in the step-arobics classes...but I'm not sure if I know what you mean

Yes stepper like the arobic clasess or just finding the flight of stairs at work and run up and down them for thirty minutes a day. If you do the arobic steppers add a 15 lbs. medicine ball while doing them, it will help.
Put on the sparring gear, and go FULL BLAST on the heavy bag, hands and feet, NO stopping for 3 1 minute rounds, 30 second rest in between rounds. After a week or two, bump it up to 3 2 minute rounds, then 3 3 minute rounds. Make sure and go full blast and you should have amazing cardio! I actually have used this a lot in classes when we work cardio.

Finally got my heavy bag hanging stand and will be giving this a try out, thanks

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