Any tips on getting into shape and having better cardio?


White Belt
Hi everyone, I'm new here but heres my story.

I have been taking Muay Thai for about 3 weeks now (3 times a week) and although I'm improving in the cardio/exercises, I'm still not that consistent where I have to constantly take breaks.

Some of the exercises get changed around everyday but here is the jist how we begin class.
jump rope for 15mins. Longest I can go without stopping is like 1:30
3 min on robe ladder (basically footwork)
3 min on knee lifts?
3 mins on squats. can only do about 2 minutes worth
50 Thai style situps. I can do only like 30
25 bicycle kicks/situps.
2 sets of 1min mountain climbs. I can do about 40secs worth each set
2 sets of 25 pushups. I can do 20 a set.

I know practice makes perfect, but I feel like even after 3 weeks, my performance still sucks. Are there any other recommemended exercises you guys suggest that I can do at home or on my off-time?

Also, I've been trying to eat healthier/better, but since I don't really have a diet plan, do you guys have any suggestions on a meal plan?

3 weeks is not very long for that type of improvement. You may very well not be where you want to be - but I would guess you've improved more than you think you have.

The best way to improve your cardio fitness is to do more cardio work - jogging, biking, jumping rope, any of the activities you listed as class starters - would all be appropriate. Just be careful you don't overdo it and hurt yourself; you'll set yourself farther back than where you started.
It just takes time, three weeks is barely enough time for one body to get use to this type of change. I tusually takes about six weeks, keep doing what you have been and let us know at the six week time period. I bet it would have changed alot for you.
I agree with the other folks here that 3 weeks isn't very long. Keep at it and you'll see gradual improvement.

When I started running, I struggled with the hills. I asked a friend who's a long time marathoner how I could improve at running hills and she said, "run up a lot of hills." There aren't a lot of shortcuts when it comes to cardio except perseverance.
Hello, Many times just jumping rope is one best excercise for cardio and workout.

When you hit 15 will be in great shape. Many Professoial Boxers will do 30 minutes or more of jump rope rountines. So hitting 10 minutes is excellant too!

Squats try work up to 500 or more....when you do? shape...(I can,'t yet)

Every one agrees 3 weeks is too, too short....but in a will be better than most of us...looking at your routines!

Muscles, strenght, a long term shoveling dirt one at a day there will be a mountain!

Look how long it took to you to get your age? didn't happen in 3 weeks did it? Want to get older? ....time is all you will need!

What time is it? ....excercise time! or 8:pm? time!

Time will tell you all the answers? .......Aloha time!

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