Candidate for picture and story of the year...


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jan 3, 2006
Reaction score
Denver, CO
I got this in my email and needed to pass it on:


This is something you will never see in the news. Here's a tough, but heartwarming story and a picture of John Gebhardt in Iraq .. His wife, Mindy, related that this little girl's entire family was executed. They intended to execute her also and shot her in the head, but they failed to kill her. She was cared for by John's hospital and is healing, but has been crying and moaning. The nurses said John is the only one she seems to calm down with, so John has spent the la st four nights holding her while they both sleep in that chair. The girl is coming along with her healing.

*He is a real Star of the war and is representative of what America is trying to do. Please keep this going. Nothing will happen if you don't. The American public needs to see pictures like this and needs to realize that what we're doing over there is making a difference. Even if it is one little girl at a time.


For all the veterans and active military of all branches: thank you for all you do - especially those human, humane actions that are never documented in the detail that is given to the horrors of war. :asian:
Very nice and heart warming...with luck he's the norm and not the exception of the men and women overseas....
I keep thinking, someone actually found it a justified and commendable action to shoot this child in the head... because she was Sunni (or Shiite, whichever). Whether it's in Rwanda, or Iraq, or any of a dozen different times and places, it just kind of stops me in my tracks how willing people seem to be to muder children—infants, in cases like this...
Yes, I believe so.

As a vet from a place (time of war) far away and long ago, I'm positive this is representative of our current active duty and retired armed forces men and women.

Thanks Kacey, and to all who have posted on this.
That poor child thank goodness someone is there to help her in her time of need.

Now everyoen can see why we need to bring soem stability to the whole area. Things like that were happening for some time under S.H.'s reign and we finally did something about it. If you think we should not be there, take a look at that pic. If you still think it, you have no heart. JMHO.

Let the negatives begin.