Canada? What the heck do they know?

I'll be holding a big "Welcome to Canada" sign. You want it, you can have it. 90 % of Canada is barely habitable. It belongs to the black flies and mosquitoes, it's either shifting shield or bottomless swamp ( it will swallow entire sections or road every year and the heavy equipment trying to repair it) +45 C in summer to -50 C in winter. The lucky ones who get to invade Newfoundland won't make it past the first kitchen party and their first encounter with Screach. ( or the Newfies ):lfao:
Why fight? Most Canadians figure after one winter the Americans would pack up and go home. Those who stay would get sucked dry by the mosquitoes.:EG:
I'll be holding a big "Welcome to Canada" sign. You want it, you can have it. 90 % of Canada is barely habitable. It belongs to the black flies and mosquitoes, it's either shifting shield or bottomless swamp ( it will swallow entire sections or road every year and the heavy equipment trying to repair it) +45 C in summer to -50 C in winter. The lucky ones who get to invade Newfoundland won't make it past the first kitchen party and their first encounter with Screach. ( or the Newfies ):lfao:
Why fight? Most Canadians figure after one winter the Americans would pack up and go home. Those who stay would get sucked dry by the mosquitoes.:EG:

Yeah, but those long, lazy mild summer twilights on the beach at English Bay in Vancouver, sitting with a nice bottle of Chateauneuf on the patio of the Hotel Sylvia looking at the Tantalus Mountains up Burrard Inlet turning all gold and purple? Hmmmm?

...oops. Forget I said that. It's awful there, folks—don't even think about the B.C. lower mainland....uhh....polar bears! Yes, roaming polar bears waiting to eat you up! Think of the children! Turn back before it's too late!!!
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Yeah, but those long, lazy mild summer twilights on the beach at English Bay in Vancouver, sitting with a nice bottle of Chateuneuf on the patio of the Hotel Sylvia looking at the Tantalus Mountains up Burrard Inlet turning all gold and purple? Hmmmm?

You have mentioned that more than once....okay, this year the vacation is in Vancouver...Hotel Sylvia. I was in Vancouver about 13 years ago, I'll have to go back and this time you can write the agenda

Last year it was Quebec City for me and the missus, so far the most beautiful city I have been in, and the cuisine was incredible.
You have mentioned that more than once....okay, this year the vacation is in Vancouver...Hotel Sylvia. I was in Vancouver about 13 years ago, I'll have to go back and this time you can write the agenda

Last year it was Quebec City for me and the missus, so far the most beautiful city I have been in, and the cuisine was incredible.

I wish I could get back to Vancouver for a while... when my wife's parents were alive we used to go every summer for a month or two. But we haven't been for three or four years or so and I miss it....

Quebec City is lovely, a strange window to Europe in a way that Montreal just isn't. As you say, great food, and beautiful parks and public spaces... anyway, let me know when you're planning to go back to Vancouver and I'll come up with some suggestions. And if you can stay in the Hotel Sylvia, it will be enjoyable to the point of, well, excess. But you need to get a reservation in a year or so ahead of time, if you're planning on going in spring or summer. Fortunately, the bar doesn't require that! And Stanley Park is free...

... sigh...
Haha searcher don't take it so seriously. geez you were the one that suggested attacking us anyways

Sorry, I was to lazy to put any emoticons in that post.

Doesn't really matter, eventually the North American Union will be the thing and we will all be one big dysfunctional family.
Sorry, I was to lazy to put any emoticons in that post.

Doesn't really matter, eventually the North American Union will be the thing and we will all be one big dysfunctional family.
Really!!! this calls for a group hug !!! :lol:
Frankly, I'm just waiting patiently on the border (Windsor is technically SOUTH of me) for Global Warming to make Canada the new Illinois.

All that land...ah...and when it becomes our 51st state, there will be a lot of opportunities for the clever investor. Good times.
Frankly, I'm just waiting patiently on the border (Windsor is technically SOUTH of me) for Global Warming to make Canada the new Illinois.

All that land...ah...and when it becomes our 51st state, there will be a lot of opportunities for the clever investor. Good times.

Bill, that feeling you get at the thought of bowing on bended knee to a monarch is the same one we get when we hear americans say things like this........must be in our blood :cheers:
Hey, anyone goes to Vancouver, I expect at least a call on your way through Seattle! Sheesh!

We like to play up the bad weather here, too, but as was said about Vancouver, the Summers are wonderful.
I live in Canada and I give up on the health care system. I do not go to the doctor, I don't need them any more. I fought with a doctor because he refuse to have tests done on me. He told me if I didn't like the care with him I should go the USA! People with heart attacks in Toronto can wait up to 6 hours. Unless you're stabbed or shot you're going have to wait. Over a million people in Ontario, Canada do not have doctors. These walk in clinics are useless for the most part. They don't keep a record, they don't follow up. They get paid for each client they see, so the more they see the money they make. Even a regular home doctor will only give you about 15 minutes at the most per visit otherwise he won't be making enough money.
Frankly, I'm just waiting patiently on the border (Windsor is technically SOUTH of me) for Global Warming to make Canada the new Illinois.

All that land...ah...and when it becomes our 51st state, there will be a lot of opportunities for the clever investor. Good times.

Ummmmmmm I have 120 acres of only slightly damp ( 8 months of the year) lightly tree'd land you could buy. And know where there is lots more. Within driving distance to a city.:angel: Very good MA training available in area.
I live in Canada and I give up on the health care system. I do not go to the doctor, I don't need them any more. I fought with a doctor because he refuse to have tests done on me. He told me if I didn't like the care with him I should go the USA! People with heart attacks in Toronto can wait up to 6 hours. Unless you're stabbed or shot you're going have to wait. Over a million people in Ontario, Canada do not have doctors. These walk in clinics are useless for the most part. They don't keep a record, they don't follow up. They get paid for each client they see, so the more they see the money they make. Even a regular home doctor will only give you about 15 minutes at the most per visit otherwise he won't be making enough money.

You're right, Canada does not have enough doctors.....and it's a shame.

The idea behind the walk-in clinic is not to provide you with primary care.....that is supposed to be the job of your general physician. Getting a GP is a difficult task....considering some of them have over 2500 patients.

The idea behind the walk-in clinic is to help as many people as they can.....and it's not because they make a bucket load of cash doing it. The problem is, most people do not want to book an appointment to go and see their GP if they have the sniffles....they waste the time of a walk in clinic so the doctor there can tell them they have the sniffles and not prescribe antibiotics because they arent indicated, only to have the patient pull a medical degree out of their backside and tell them they need antibiotics.

One of the reasons our healthcare in canada has crappy aspects is from abuse of the system......people go if they get a splinter....or a splash of onion juice in their eyes. If they had to pay for those services, they would think twice about going and wasting the time that could be better served looking after sick people.
Back to banking for a minute. I wanted to share this article and clip of Jon Stewart because I think it shows one of the major problems here in the US.

In this clip, Jon Stewart really goes after CNBC when one of their talking heads cancelled his appearance on his show. The shill had made some comments about people with bad mortgages and Jon Stewart et all responded by collecting some clips from the so called experts that portrays them in a not so favorable light.

Basically, if you consider all of those clips, the point that Stewart is making is overshadowed by something far darker. CNBC is not just a stupid network as Stewart would have us believe. What he inadvertently shows us is that at every step of the way, these talking heads were "wrong" and not just a little wrong, they were completely wrong.

Consider that a moment. Consider who owns CNBC. It's no coincidence that these talking heads are "acting" like cheerleaders for Wall Street. THAT is their JOB. They are NOT newscasters. They are NOT pundits or experts. They are walking advertisements, basically infomercials. This is not news. They deliberately mislead us. How can we have a democratic society when information is controlled like this?
I live in Canada and I give up on the health care system. I do not go to the doctor, I don't need them any more. I fought with a doctor because he refuse to have tests done on me. He told me if I didn't like the care with him I should go the USA! People with heart attacks in Toronto can wait up to 6 hours. Unless you're stabbed or shot you're going have to wait. Over a million people in Ontario, Canada do not have doctors. These walk in clinics are useless for the most part. They don't keep a record, they don't follow up. They get paid for each client they see, so the more they see the money they make. Even a regular home doctor will only give you about 15 minutes at the most per visit otherwise he won't be making enough money.
That sounds about the same for the USA. If you come down here, don't expect a lot of time to chat with a doctor. Don't get your hopes up if you come down here. 15 minutes with a doctor would be great.
Back to banking for a minute. I wanted to share this article and clip of Jon Stewart because I think it shows one of the major problems here in the US.

In this clip, Jon Stewart really goes after CNBC when one of their talking heads cancelled his appearance on his show. The shill had made some comments about people with bad mortgages and Jon Stewart et all responded by collecting some clips from the so called experts that portrays them in a not so favorable light.

Basically, if you consider all of those clips, the point that Stewart is making is overshadowed by something far darker. CNBC is not just a stupid network as Stewart would have us believe. What he inadvertently shows us is that at every step of the way, these talking heads were "wrong" and not just a little wrong, they were completely wrong.

Consider that a moment. Consider who owns CNBC. It's no coincidence that these talking heads are "acting" like cheerleaders for Wall Street. THAT is their JOB. They are NOT newscasters. They are NOT pundits or experts. They are walking advertisements, basically infomercials. This is not news. They deliberately mislead us. How can we have a democratic society when information is controlled like this?
Agreed. As a side note, it's interesting that guys like this, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter and others will do any show but the Daily Show. I think it's funny that they are all afraid of being exposed by a comedian.
Limbaugh rarely does tv interiews with ANYONE

Coulter will do most any show

O'Rielly has been on Stewert, and letterman, the view, etc multiple times.
Agreed. As a side note, it's interesting that guys like this, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter and others will do any show but the Daily Show. I think it's funny that they are all afraid of being exposed by a comedian.

They're all afraid of being exposed as a comedian. :lfao: