Can you sum up yur study of MA in one sentence?

I had to think about this one myself. I think a good one for me would be- Having learnt lessons to obtain my goal that I shall never reach.
Spending silly amounts of time and money developing skills that I hope I never use.
One step further along the path of achieving a fulfilling life.
I'm sore every day, some days more than others.

LOL. That seems to sum up the Army experience as well.

As far as the OP's question.

"Don't bock with your face, hit the other guy more often than he hits you, pass on what you've learned, and don't be a jerk". _ S.D. Beck

Mr. Beck was one of my early teachers, as he had a rather colorful military background I had to edit the above a bit to make it appropriate for the forum. I asked him once for hit thoughts on his journey in the martial arts, what he had learned, what wisdom he could pass on...that was his reply.
I have never forgotten it and have tried to walk in that path.

"I am still alive." :)
Learning and evolving is a lives journey, least we stagnate and fade away
Enjoying the journey and making progress, but the destination is always over the horizon, just out of sight.