Can you spot a fake smile...

That was pretty hard but I managed 17 out of 20.
18. Won't my wife be surprised. I know I dont get anywhere near 90% correct when reading her.
14 out of 20. I'm impressed with everyone here - the site said that it is not an easy thing to do!
17-20. I guess I'm not such a social misfit afterall...
18 out of 20... when asked what part of the face was helpful I said the eyes. Some of them were trying hard NOT to smile when reverting back to straight face but failed...happily I suppose. :uhyeah:
Interesting test. But not that hard for me really because non-verbal communication is (another) speciality of mine.

"You can't hide your lying eyes, and your smile has been disguised. I thought by now you'd realize there ain't no way to hide your lying eyes." ~The Eagles
19 out of 20. There is something about people's eyes when they really smile.
