BBC Personality test

I guess I resemble these remarks:


Your answers suggest you are a Mastermind

The four aspects that make up this personality type are:
Summary of Masterminds
  • Visionaries who put energy into achieving their goals
  • Prefer to work independently and dislike inefficiency
  • Think of themselves as logical, thorough, and bright
  • Values practicality and common sense above ideas and theories

I do agree with the earlier post about the shopping questions. Any questionaire asking me about my preferred way to shop needs to include as an option: Slitting my wrists first.......

Floating Egg.....looks like we're in the same boat, or I should say, yacht. Masterminds should always have yachts......
Well ... here is what the BBC said:

Your answers suggest you are a Nurturer

The four aspects that make up this personality type are:

Summary of Nurturers

  • Care for the important people in their lives
  • Strive for harmony and avoid confrontation
  • Think of themselves as gentle, conscientious, and mature
  • May have trouble making decisions that could hurt others
Although, I have a couple of step daughters that might disagree.
Here's what it says about me (although I'm not too much of an introvert):


The four aspects that make up this personality type are:

Summary of Peacemakers
  • Value personal freedom
  • Particularly sensitive to the feelings of others
  • Think of themselves as steady, gentle and sympathetic
  • Others may mistake their quiet nature for weakness