Can anybody recommend a good book on Ninjutsu (history / story, not technique?)


White Belt
I'm interested in ninjutsu, especially the actual history and possibly stories of great warriors. However, you can't go online and search for books on the matter w/o being inondated with trash and "become a ninja" books.

Are there any books that are especially reputable on this matter?

*hopes so*

-- Henry
Essence of Ninjutsu by Massaki Hatsumi is very good. I've read it twice now :) Actually does have some good stories at the beginning of each chapter, as well as a brief review of histories. Was a very good read!

I'm still trying to get my hands on "Ninjutsu - History and Tradition" by Hatsumi. I hear its pretty good :)

I also picked up "The Ninja and their Secret Fighting Art" by Steven K Hayes. Not too much on history, but more of an account of his experiences. It was an interesting read though, more easily readable than Hatsumi's stuff, though he tends to waste alot of time with prose: "The flowers waved in the breeze as the sweat off my brow glistened as I rolled in the grass". That got old quickly :)

Overall, I'd recommend Essence. Good book!
Ninpo Secrets is the best all around book on Ninpo I have read, all the other suggestions are also excellent books.
Matthew Damignani
There are some good books on this subject other than English that I can recommend. For example I have a german book by Moshe Kastiel called Samurai und Ninja. Geschichte und Tradition der japanischen Kampfkünste (Samurai and Ninja. History and tradition of the Japanese martial arts, 2004) also a French book by Florent Loiacono called Ninja et Yamabushi. Guerriers et sorciers du Japon Feodal (Ninja and Yamabushi. Warriors and wizards of feudal Japan, 2006) a Danish book by Peter Hedegaard called Ninja Japans Skyggekrigere (Ninja, Japanese shadow warriors, 1983) a very interesting Russian book by Alexei Mikhailovich Gorbyliov is Poet Njevidimig. Podlinnaya istoriya Nin-dzyutsu (The invisible way. The true history of Ninjutsu, 1997) and an interesting English/Japanese book by John Einarsen is A journey to the World of Ninja and Kengo (2007) and finally one by Hirohisa Oda called Real Ninja (2002). All these books are basically about the history and lifestyle of the Ninja. I hope this will help.
In english IMHO the best book hands down is "Essence Of Ninjutsu" by Hatsumi Soke. If you can find a copy "Ninja: The True Story of Japan's Secret Warrior Cult "by Stephen Turnbull is entertaining.
Does anyone know if there is a place that I can get my hands on Understand Good Play for a REASONABLE price (ie $30 or so) and NOT 300 as on Amazon?
And another good book is Fundamentals of Taijutsu.
Does anyone know if there is a place that I can get my hands on Understand Good Play for a REASONABLE price (ie $30 or so) and NOT 300 as on Amazon?
And another good book is Fundamentals of Taijutsu.

If you can hold off a few months, I believe it will be reprinted within the year.


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