Can anybody identify this form for me?


White Belt

I am wondering if anybody can identify the form you see practised at 1 minute 10 in this video...

It seems to contain a slap foot kick double punch and a sweep. It is very pleasant to watch if anybody can help me with the name?

Many Thanks,

Haven't judged one of those in a few decades, but looks like some kind of Long Fist form to me. But watching that group of kids do that form in, that just tickles all my Martial Arts buttons. All those kids doing that in unison, that was really awesome.
Haven't judged one of those in a few decades, but looks like some kind of Long Fist form to me. But watching that group of kids do that form in, that just tickles all my Martial Arts buttons. All those kids doing that in unison, that was really awesome.

Yeah it is really beautiful to watch. I love the form too, would love to know what it is called.
This is the Tagou Shaolin gongfu school in Dengfeng, China. My friend trained there for some time, but moved since onwards.

I think it's a Shaolin form, but I do not know all of them. Try looking up some of the more advanced traditional routines. It could be one of the Luohan patterns, but it's just a rough guess from the top of my head.

I am wondering if anybody can identify the form you see practised at 1 minute 10 in this video...

It seems to contain a slap foot kick double punch and a sweep. It is very pleasant to watch if anybody can help me with the name?

Many Thanks,


Shaolin Long Fist and the Sanshou taught at the Shaolin school. The Shaolin Long Fist form is a derivation from actual Long fist and the Shaolin version, is as stated, Modern Wushu and mostly for show and conditioning. The Sanshou is for fighting.