Calling all the Men...Why did you start Martial Arts??

What got you started?

  • Self Defense

  • Friend was involved/I got dragged along by a friend

  • Build Confidence

  • Fitness/Something Physical to do

  • Watched it in a Movie/Demo, thought it looked cool

  • Meet new people

  • Other (please explain)

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The short answer is that I'm An absolute idiot. now 14+ years later I realize I'm a bigger idiot than before I started. I shoulda took up knitting HA HA!!!!!!!

My father started my training before I knew what was going on. Next thing I knwo it is 30 years later. It has to be from getting hit in the head so much.
I often watched Jackie Chan movies when I was a kid, so I liked kung fu. And it was also a good way to keep from getting bullied while going through school.
they made me. quite literally.

my stepfather was an instructor and we had class all the time. they used to have to drag me into the school sometimes. i was like four or five when i started and used to throw tantrums.

then it stuck, and keep at it for a quite a while. i read everyone's reasonings and i have definately had all of those motivations, at one time or another, but the bottom line is i was essentially conditioned as a kid.

it was just a habit.

Had no choice, Dad tought in the Marines and we just had to as well. After all these years because it is just part of the routine.
Did you miss the "So far it hasnt worked" part?

Most of the time when they hear that I study martial arts they think its stupid. Even my ex wife used to say to people "He studies some karate thing... he thinks hes a ninja" and then they would laugh. (Notice I said EX-wife...)

Great, I met my wife at the dojo. Is that what I get to look forward to?lol
Growing up in Hawaii fighting was a daily occurence. My dad and uncle kinda made me for a while. Now I do it for exercise and just cause I love it!
I responded Fitness, because that has been a recurring reason to keep on going, or come back to training. But the truth is I could do number of things for fitness that I also have enjoyed (running, tennis, ultimate frisbee, swimming, etc.). I could have also put Self defense, after all, who doesn't want to at least be a little more prepared?

The core reason, however, is not one listed. There is a "rightness" to training martial arts for me. The training partners. The structure of the classes. The discipline of the training. The ideal of being a warrior in some way (at least part-time, anyways). I'm not sure if I can describe the feeling of freedom and fun during sparring, even if I'm getting a bit pummelled that day.
I trained judo at the age around the age of 6 when i wans't particularily interested in ma but was drawn in by mom and friends.
i only became facinated on my own when i was around 12
At first i thought it looked cool but as i began learning, researching as well as practicing, i became more and more concerned with effectivness and self defense. However, the aestethic and technical side of ma has always been important to me, that is why i laid great emphasis on flexibility and agility.
Well I remember it clearly. I was in college and I saw a bill board with John Chu's flyer. I was curious and I went to the gym where they had class. I thought the green belt was the teacher!!! That's how little I knew about martial arts.

I scraped together $20 bucks and the rest is history.

It wasn't for SD, it wasn't for meeting people (man there ain't many chicks in karate classes I can tell you.) It wasn't for disipline (not that I was real disiplined!!!)

I was just curious and well it struck a nerve. Funny thing was, most of the guys in class had guns themsevles. Even John Chu.

Karate Kid when I was 6 did it for me
Okay, this might sound really bizzare, so bear with me.

Like a lot of us (I was probably four or five), I found myself entranced watching the old martial arts flicks of the 70's. From the 36th Chamber to Enter the Dragon, I had a blast watching them with my dad.

I had an older cousin who did karate at the time, and had my *** handed to me by classmates and bullies who knew how to fight. It didn't help that I was shy and really uncoordinated (and not really interested) in the more mainstream sports. I was the kid that NEVER got picked... lol. So self-defense and self-confidence must be a factor.

I'm sure they both of these had some bearing on why I started martial arts, but for the most part, there was always this thought or idea or whatever, in the back of my mind that told me that martial arts was something I needed. Even given all the times I took a whooping at the first karate school I was in, there was something that sort of always called out to me.

Something that I won't ever forget was the year of my junior prom. For a lot high school students, junior prom was like a the first step towards what a real party might be. I chose to forego the prom and instead attended a VERY small karate tournament (it was so small that half the competitors were from our school.)

I guess what I'm saying is that somehow, I knew it was supposed to be a part of my life.

I always wanted to do it and never had the time or resources. when i finally got both i got into it and got hooked


My training started with my dad, and my formal training began when I was 11. I stuck with it, though, because I wanted to be James Bond....:lol:
Primarily for self defense. Also, I had a friend who was really into it and that sparked my interest, as well as watching the tv series "Kung Fu", the movie, "Billy Jack" and Bruce Lee movies.
Come on guys. We all know the reason why we started training was for the throngs of women that hang out around MA schools. :lol::lfao::p
I got harassed a lot as a kid, so my father taught me karate. The I became very heavily involved in martial arts and now nothing will ever satify my lust for power!
On a side note: I wish more women were involved in the martial arts. I grow tired of meeting girls who think I am wasting time. I think us MA guys could all use a tough girl to reel us in sometimes.