The first three women did not come forward on thier own. They were discovered through thier law suits. The lawyers were hired to protect thier anonymity, the law suit agreement, and give another side other than Herman Cain's (so far inept) spin on the suites. Why are you so down on the accuser's? They are not the ones who came forward and other than the last one are doing what they can in a tough situation.
Well, as I said, I find it difficult to put any stock in what they say when they aren't open to to questions. The news has always reported the women have come forward so I wasn't aware of what you said. As an aside, I wonder who is paying for the lawyers? And is it worthy of thought that the first they are heard of they already have lawyers? At least the first I heard of them. And you are correct, I still think Cain hasn't handled this well. Whether or not he has in fact been harassing women, or is just inept, I am less inclined personally to want to see him in office.
Here's something else to keep in mind with the fourth accuser as well, if as you say it wasn't a case of harrassment, but rather clumsy attempts to impress and date a woman, he was married at the time. You have already expressed your distaste at adultery with Clinton's escapade. Why are you giving Herman Cain such a large benefit of the doubt? Could it be political party is trumping your morality? Once again, bad behaviour is bad behaviour, no matter the person's political leanings.
Oops! I said 4th in my post when I actually meant the 5th reported yesterday morning. Sorry for the confusion. The forth was the one whose body language I didn't like.I don't think I commented on Clinton, but I am against adultery and you may have seen me comment on that before elsewhere. I don't recall if I did, but as I said, I am in fact against that. Or any sexual contact with a woman not your wife for that matter. I don't know what his marital status was at any time concerning any of the women who have related contact with him. If he were married, I haven't seen that reported. I would find that important, and I would hope many would. Perhaps you can direct us to news reports of that? Also on the women having been discovered as opposed to coming forward on their own?