Cain's goose is cooked, so who is next for the GOP?

Powell was too good a man for office anyhow.
I believe this to be true, as well!

Regarding Clinton, it wasn't the adultery, it was the abuse of his position that bothers me. In the case of Cain, if true, it would be the same thing.

If Cain wants to cheat on his wife, that's on him.
I believe this to be true, as well!

Regarding Clinton, it wasn't the adultery, it was the abuse of his position that bothers me. In the case of Cain, if true, it would be the same thing.

If Cain wants to cheat on his wife, that's on him.
Well, then again Clinton's target was a willing participant. (and it seemed that Cain's position was also relevant and relatively abused)
Well, then again Clinton's target was a willing participant. (and it seemed that Cain's position was also relevant and relatively abused)
That just makes it sexual harassment, conflict of interest and an abuse of his authority, and not rape. I'm glad it wasn't rape. That would be a much bigger deal.
Since no topic is ever really explored until Ann Coulter weighs in, here is her assessing the Cain accusers...

November 9, 2011
Herman Cain has spent his life living and working all over the country -- Indiana, Georgia, Minnesota, Nebraska, Kansas, Washington, D.C. -- but never in Chicago.

So it's curious that all the sexual harassment allegations against Cain emanate from Chicago: home of the Daley machine and Obama consigliere David Axelrod.

Suspicions had already fallen on Sheila O'Grady, who is close with David Axelrod and went straight from being former Chicago mayor Richard M. Daley's chief of staff to president of the Illinois Restaurant Association (IRA), as being the person who dug up Herman Cain's personnel records from the National Restaurant Association (NRA).

The Daley-controlled IRA works hand-in-glove with the NRA. And strangely enough, Cain's short, three-year tenure at the NRA is evidently the only period in his decades-long career during which he's alleged to have been a sexual predator.

After O'Grady's name surfaced in connection with the miraculous appearance of Cain's personnel files from the NRA, she issued a Clintonesque denial of any involvement in producing them -- by vigorously denying that she knew Cain when he was at the NRA. (Duh.)

And now, after a week of conservative eye-rolling over unspecified, anonymous accusations against Cain, we've suddenly got very specific sexual assault allegations from an all-new accuser out of ... Chicago.

Herman Cain has never lived in Chicago. But you know who has? David Axelrod! And guess who lived in Axelrod's very building? Right again: Cain's latest accuser, Sharon Bialek.

Bialek's accusations were certainly specific. But they also demonstrated why anonymous accusations are worthless.

Within 24 hours of Bialek's press conference, friends and acquaintances of hers stepped forward to say that she's a "gold-digger," that she was constantly in financial trouble -- having filed for personal bankruptcy twice -- and, of course, that she had lived in Axelrod's apartment building at 505 North Lake Shore Drive, where, she admits, she knew the man The New York Times calls Obama's "hired muscle."

The reason all this is relevant is that both Axelrod and Daley have a history of smearing political opponents by digging up claims of sexual misconduct against them.
The reason all this is relevant is that both Axelrod and Daley have a history of smearing political opponents by digging up claims of sexual misconduct against them.

If only Coulter could get those glasses and a straight pointing finger. it is the GOP who is smearing Cain. Wait, she knows that....she is just blaming the democrats again.
Exactly! Remember, he wasn't impeached for getting a BJ, sexual harassment, conflict of interest or anything like that. It was for lying about it while under oath.

well, even that was a technicality....everybody knew what happened, and what that factually means, but by definition he didn't....

Politics and legaleze, gotta love it.
The first three women did not come forward on thier own. They were discovered through thier law suits. The lawyers were hired to protect thier anonymity, the law suit agreement, and give another side other than Herman Cain's (so far inept) spin on the suites. Why are you so down on the accuser's? They are not the ones who came forward and other than the last one are doing what they can in a tough situation.

Well, as I said, I find it difficult to put any stock in what they say when they aren't open to to questions. The news has always reported the women have come forward so I wasn't aware of what you said. As an aside, I wonder who is paying for the lawyers? And is it worthy of thought that the first they are heard of they already have lawyers? At least the first I heard of them. And you are correct, I still think Cain hasn't handled this well. Whether or not he has in fact been harassing women, or is just inept, I am less inclined personally to want to see him in office.

Here's something else to keep in mind with the fourth accuser as well, if as you say it wasn't a case of harrassment, but rather clumsy attempts to impress and date a woman, he was married at the time. You have already expressed your distaste at adultery with Clinton's escapade. Why are you giving Herman Cain such a large benefit of the doubt? Could it be political party is trumping your morality? Once again, bad behaviour is bad behaviour, no matter the person's political leanings.

Oops! I said 4th in my post when I actually meant the 5th reported yesterday morning. Sorry for the confusion. The forth was the one whose body language I didn't like.I don't think I commented on Clinton, but I am against adultery and you may have seen me comment on that before elsewhere. I don't recall if I did, but as I said, I am in fact against that. Or any sexual contact with a woman not your wife for that matter. I don't know what his marital status was at any time concerning any of the women who have related contact with him. If he were married, I haven't seen that reported. I would find that important, and I would hope many would. Perhaps you can direct us to news reports of that? Also on the women having been discovered as opposed to coming forward on their own?

Thanks for your comments.
Between Rick Perry slurring his speech in New Hampshire and drawing a blank for a painful 45 seconds on last nights debate, the campaign that has been Mitt or Not Mitt is boiling down to Mitt and.....
Between Rick Perry slurring his speech in New Hampshire and drawing a blank for a painful 45 seconds on last nights debate, the campaign that has been Mitt or Not Mitt is boiling down to Mitt and.....

Mitt and...........

I like Cain, hope he can get past this mess. It seems whom ever is feared the most, gets all the mud.
First if you had listened to the comments on CNN yesterday by the head of a CNN reporting group who had employed one of the latest women to come out in public, that she had hired her for a state department position at the INS and call Cain a Monster her credibiltiy was impeachable. Cain is a meglamaniac that is a serial abuser believing his power and money gives him the right to bend over who he thinks he can and and asking for a BJ seems part of his interview process.

His answer to any of this is he is to good and the American people are to good to even consider the acusations. The GOP debate was a joke not a debate non of them offered any solutions and the crowd stacked booing even the questions put to Cain about the accusations and they were to chicken **** to pursue it. The whole focus of the GOP is still the same tire montra of we must protect the profits and greed of the 1% in powere and it will some how benefit the ingnorant lazy people at the bottom no matter how they package it it all smells the same as that bag of sh---- set fire on your porch.

Cain is an insult to women an insult to the credibility of sexual harrasement and an insult to his statement of common sense which most firemen will tell you where theres smoke there is fire and its not he said she said but he said they said. What out of thousands of women only 5 have come forward?? what he does not remember? what he's been married 45 years? what a load of horse **** and if this country is stupid enough to elect him or perry or any that propose thier agenda we will be in a depression no credit no housing no jobs unless your making bombs or blowing off legs for the 1%
The GOP is sunk. UNLESS....someone comes out of the woodwork that has their poop together. I am ready to vote for Anne Coulter at this point. As it stands now, Romney, Cain and Perry are the three stooges, by their own making.

Cain is done. Have him sit on the bench with Palin, Bachmann and the other forgettable that dropped out.
The GOP is sunk. UNLESS....someone comes out of the woodwork that has their poop together. I am ready to vote for Anne Coulter at this point. As it stands now, Romney, Cain and Perry are the three stooges, by their own making.

Cain is done. Have him sit on the bench with Palin, Bachmann and the other forgettable that dropped out.

Ah, it can't ever be THAT bad that we have to pull Coulter out.

Or do you want to sink her, too?
First if you had listened to the comments on CNN yesterday by the head of a CNN reporting group who had employed one of the latest women to come out in public, that she had hired her for a state department position at the INS and call Cain a Monster her credibiltiy was impeachable. Cain is a meglamaniac that is a serial abuser believing his power and money gives him the right to bend over who he thinks he can and and asking for a BJ seems part of his interview process.

His answer to any of this is he is to good and the American people are to good to even consider the acusations. The GOP debate was a joke not a debate non of them offered any solutions and the crowd stacked booing even the questions put to Cain about the accusations and they were to chicken **** to pursue it. The whole focus of the GOP is still the same tire montra of we must protect the profits and greed of the 1% in powere and it will some how benefit the ingnorant lazy people at the bottom no matter how they package it it all smells the same as that bag of sh---- set fire on your porch.

Cain is an insult to women an insult to the credibility of sexual harrasement and an insult to his statement of common sense which most firemen will tell you where theres smoke there is fire and its not he said she said but he said they said. What out of thousands of women only 5 have come forward?? what he does not remember? what he's been married 45 years? what a load of horse **** and if this country is stupid enough to elect him or perry or any that propose thier agenda we will be in a depression no credit no housing no jobs unless your making bombs or blowing off legs for the 1%
So you were a Bush guy huh?
The GOP is sunk. UNLESS....someone comes out of the woodwork that has their poop together. I am ready to vote for Anne Coulter at this point. As it stands now, Romney, Cain and Perry are the three stooges, by their own making.

Cain is done. Have him sit on the bench with Palin, Bachmann and the other forgettable that dropped out.

What did Romney do yesterday to get thrown in with Cain and Perry?
Am I the only one who is at this point missing the days when Republican sex scandals were all about gay bath houses and underage prostitutes?

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