michaeledward said:
Good God Man!
Libby told, or arranged for Chalabi to tell Miller that Iraq had purchased aluminum tubes that can only be used for making refining centerfuges before the war. This is a 'horror story' that has been proven false.
all irrelavent. Number 1, the entire war was not based on "Aluminum tubes", it was based on 12 years of violated sanctions. But, that aside, even Joe Wilson acknowledged to the CIA, upon his return, that evidence existed that Iraq had attempted to purchase material from africa. Then he told the New York Times that no evidence existed that Iraq had succeeded, leaving out the part where Iraq had tried to purchase those items.
michaeledward said:
Libby told, or arranged for Chalabi (or Curveball) to tell Miller that al Qaeda had received extensive training on working with Chemical and Biological weapons before the war. This is a 'horror story' that has been proven false.
Again, entirely irrelavent. The story that al-Qaeda had received training in those areas is not a "lie", you dispute that it's accurate, that's an entirely different thing entirely.
michaeledward said:
Your statements concerning Joe Wilson / Valerie Plame are incongruous. Unless you are assuming that Iriving Libby never met or spoke to Judith Miller before leaking Valerie Plame's name in June of 2003.
Libby no doubt talked with dozens of reporters on a daily basis. Again, what does any of that prove?
michaeledward said:
Secretary of Rumsfeld had asked the question, but has seemed to be incapable of answering the it; "Are we capturing or killing more terrorists than the madrassas are turning out each day?"
That presumption is predicated on the (false) idea that all terrorists are equally dangerous. Terrorists that have years to train for operations (like 9/11) in a country safe from harassment, and are allowed to travel the world at their leisure, along with receiving years of intensive training, are FAR more dangerous than the thugs currently being rolled out to replace them. The "terrorists" being produced are dying at an alarming rate. Though, they are replaced by many new terrorists, those terrorists are untrained and inexperienced. What's more, they are now isolated to attacks within Iraqs borders...A development I find more comforting than having them in the United States. Finally, and this is the MOST important point, operating in their own backyard is beginning to alienate them with the population as a whole. "Death to al-Qaeda" is a chant no one thought they'd hear in the Arab street...until yesterday. Terrorist attacks in their own backyard, against fellow muslims, is resulting alienation with the arab street. What's more, it is nothing but an act of desperation of a failing insurgency.
michaelward said:
From what I am able to read and observe, the Actions of the United States government is a catalyst for more young Muslem men to join the ranks of Radical Islam. Each day, the Actions of George W. Bush is creating more terrorists, and providing those terrorists with a proving ground in Iraq.
That's ironic given recent news. It seems as though it is al-Qaeda that is acting as a catylst. Again, you must not be paying attention to recent events.
michaelward said:
Each person who has been 'disappeared' to a secret CIA torture prison has relatives and neighbors who, no doubt, are telling the tales of America. Do you think Karen Hughes can spread better stories about America that the families of those who are now missing?
And the sympathy for those individuals is waning as innocent muslim victims of al-Qaeda are stacking up in the arab street. Again, terrorism against civilians is an act of desperation by guerilla's and terrorists, not one of success.
michaelward said:
Oh, and the reports of what Joe Wilson reported back to the CIA are: "It was highly unlikely Iraq and Niger had any agreement at all. Any claims were just false. All of Niger's uranium ore was committed to a different distributor, a French Company. There is no way some 500 tons of yellowcake could have been diverted to Iraq." Your word "unsuccessful" is way to strong for what had taken place - sounds like a Hannity claim to me.
Again, nice dodge. I stated that Joe Wilson told the CIA that evidence existed that Iraq had approached Niger about purchasing nuclear material. You're resting on the assertion that no sale was made, but that's irrelavent. According even to Wilson, evidence existed that Iraq had attempted to purchase that material.
The very fact that Iraq was attempting to purchase those materials and was shopping for them is enough to violate the cease fire. Period.