Axly, Sparky those records were already released. Yawl might want to refer to more sources than Michael Savage.
And incidentally, have you got hold of all of George Bush, our esteemed President's, National Guard records?
And records aside, here's the long and the short of it: Kerry was in Vietnam, and got shot at. Earned three Purple Hearts, a Bronze Star, a Silver Star, and whatever the circumstances were (I shall capitalize for the benefit of the slower Republicans) HE WAS ACTUALLY THERE AND HE WAS ACTUALLY AWARDED THE MEDALS. Gore was in Vietnam, and was not. George Bush Jr. was in Texas and Arkansas, and used his daddy's connections to get into the ANG, and stay there.
Again, here's my question: why would working people assiduously defend the guys who look down upon them with contempt?
I repeat, and I would love to hear an actual refutation of this reality: unlike Hizzoner, Howard Zinn, Bush Sr., Bob Dole, McGovern, JFK, McCarthy, Powell, Kerry, Kerrey (again I capitalize) HAVE ACTUALLY BEEN SHOT AT IN A WAR.
Are we learning yet?