1) I dont care what Elder says, he is on Ignore for a reason.
Because I'm a BuSh-hating poopie doodie head? :lol:
2)no, it is NOT
the "idea behind the seperation of church and state" was to prevent the second Church of England, where the state founded a religion, and persecuted other beliefs. it had NOTHING to do with keeping religion out of government, but rather keep government out of religion.
See Jefferson:
"We have solved, by fair experiment, the great and interesting question whether freedom of religion is compatible with order in government and obedience to the laws. And we have experienced the quiet as well as the comfort which results from leaving every one to profess freely and openly those principles of religion which are the inductions of his own reason and the serious convictions of his own inquiries."
Actually, I gotta agree with Mr. Fist here....

We were founded as a "secular nation," not a "Judeo-Christian" one as some would argue. This does not mean that the President cannot make decisions to pass or veto legislation based upon conscience and faith, nor does it mean that members of Congress cannot pass or vote down legislation based on conscience and faith. It ostensibly means that Congress will pass no laws in regards to making an official religion, or banning a religion, and that Congress will make no laws regarding the practice of religion-though laws of this sort can be made at the state and local level, and regulations have been made at the federal level in regards to the practice of certain religions (this is a pet-peeve of mine that really isn't part of this discussion, but it's true: the federal government regulates the practice of my religion).